Day 6 and all is well: Day 6 A nice slice of... - No Smoking Day

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Day 6 and all is well

nsd_user663_2151 profile image
33 Replies

Day 6

A nice slice of toast and a cuppa started the day. No lemon curd or marmalade today - I am sweet enough.

Faced the driving rain to drive to the tube. About 20 odd stops later I am at work (Victoria).

I have been so busy I have just now had time to log in and look at the forum.

I even had a couple of beers in the pub yesterday. Surreal drinking and no smoking. The smoking ban helped (not that I agree with the ban).

No cigarettes still and feeling great.

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nsd_user663_2151 profile image
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33 Replies
nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Yeah well done WHF!!

Day 6 and tomorrow is your first major landmark - how are you going to celebrate???

What are you going to treat yourself with all that saved up dosh??


nsd_user663_2151 profile image

Yeah well done WHF!!

Day 6 and tomorrow is your first major landmark - how are you going to celebrate???

What are you going to treat yourself with all that saved up dosh??


Hi Poppyfairy,

I haven't thought about it. A nice lighter :D

I might just buy a nice curry or chinese from the takeaway.

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

ooh the same as you poppy???

Well done to yous both

x x x x x x x x x x x x

Well done for getting in to work ok today x x

Marmalade and lemon curd hmmmm

not sweet though i'd say 'tart'

which makes your sweet enough already comment something totally different! :rolleyes:


nsd_user663_2151 profile image

......Marmalade and lemon curd hmmmm

not sweet though i'd say 'tart'

.................................. :rolleyes:


I am too old to be a tart Buffy ;)

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

:o giggle :o

Never too old :eek:

nsd_user663_2151 profile image

Apart from Buffy calling me a tart ;) is anyone else getting sugar cravings?

I don't take suger in drinks and don't have a sweet tooth. I am partial to the odd bag, or 3, of Haribo (They are too good to waste on kids) but I am feeling like I want sweet things like chocolate.

Is this normal or have I turned into Willy Wonker (No Wonker jokes please).

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Hiya WHF

I was mentioning to Markk that I have found if you buy yourself some really good chocolate - no cadbury rubbish but something like Black and Green with 80% cocoa solids in (this is a lot better for you anyway and less fattening) the chocolate taste is so intense - you only need one cube and it bombs away the cravings for cigs. You can get the choc from any supermarket - they may even do their own. Tescos do a belgium chocolate which is better than normal chocolate as higher cocoa solids and that's pretty good intense stuff also.

Suck it and see!!


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Oh i am haribo sours mad :eek:

I buy 1 bag for the kids and 2 for me ;)

And i love jelly babies don't think my children have ever tasted them :D hehehe

I'm not massive fan of chocolate.

But i have taught my kids to not eat the orange ones, they give them to me, if you ever noticed they taste of chocolate orange

oooh speaking of which i could go a terrys chocolate orange right now!!

Oh and mint aeros *yummy*

Oh what have you done to me :(

My real vice is meats and cheeses oooh i eat all night !!!!

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Just remember Buffy you're a hero in Nic-oretta now and I've got a special costume for you to fit in to tonight so where are those yummy seeds..........


nsd_user663_2151 profile image

I am not a chocolate fan. All Haribos, American hard gums, Jelly beans, Jelly babies etc.

I am a carnivore but love my veggies also.

I try and get all of my suger from my old friend Stella. (That's Stella Artois, not Stella McCartney).

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

:D thanks poppy am back to earth chewing open and eating my pumpkin seeds *phew*

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

I am not a chocolate fan. All Haribos, American hard gums, Jelly beans, Jelly babies etc.

I am a carnivore but love my veggies also.

I try and get all of my suger from my old friend Stella. (That's Stella Artois, not Stella McCartney).

Haha i guessed that :rolleyes:

More of a fosters gal myself :rolleyes: stella's a bit hard for me.

I used to be a barmaid and one day the heineken was off,

so theres this regular,

he's drinking the stella instead.

After the forth pint he couldn't speak properly and he wee'd himself :eek: needless to say I threw him out on his ear :D

even I could handle 4 pints of stella hahahaha

Having said that i drink wine at home.

nsd_user663_2151 profile image

Haha i guessed that :rolleyes:

.......I used to be a barmaid and one day the heineken was off,

so theres this regular,

he's drinking the stella instead.

After the forth pint he couldn't speak properly and he wee'd himself :eek: needless to say I threw him out on his ear :D

even I could handle 4 pints of stella hahahaha

Having said that i drink wine at home.

I knew that we had met before! I still have the wet trousers :p

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Dear WHF

Another sweety thing to try is lollipops - they are good as they go on a good while and it's something to fiddle with the hands also. (the stick I mean)

How about dried fruit like raisins and sultanas - they're the best as they are really sweet actually and soft and chewy. But I bet you're going blurt. Or as it's meant to be the summer you could make your own ice lollies too with fresh juices/squash etc.

Try not to eat tooooooo many sweeties with E numbers as you'll hurt your teeth. My favourites are piggy wiggys from marks and spencers cos they're big and you can bite their ears off!!


nsd_user663_2151 profile image

Dear WHF

Another sweety thing to try is lollipops - they are good as they go on a good while and it's something to fiddle with the hands also. (the stick I mean)

How about dried fruit like raisins and sultanas - they're the best as they are really sweet actually and soft and chewy. But I bet you're going blurt. Or as it's meant to be the summer you could make your own ice lollies too with fresh juices/squash etc.

Try not to eat tooooooo many sweeties with E numbers as you'll hurt your teeth. My favourites are piggy wiggys from marks and spencers cos they're big and you can bite their ears off!!


I like the chalky lollys that you can crunch. Dried fruit is great. I like apricots best. I can't afford M&S ;)

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

I like the chalky lollys that you can crunch. Dried fruit is great. I like apricots best. I can't afford M&S ;)

Swizzles yummy i got a bag here funnily enough!! :D

Stuffed with every known E additive to man :rolleyes:

ROFL @ meeting before :p hehehe

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

WHF - I only get the piggy wiggies from M and S and they are 99p for a big bag of big ones!! I'm a Tescos girl - we could never afford to shop at M & S for proper food like veggies etc.

Oh chalky lollies you mean those swizzler ones - if you bite them to early you get tooth crunch - but they're yummy.


nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Oh yes I used to love Toffos - you got the fruity and toffee ones - who remembers those??


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Oh yes I used to love Toffos - you got the fruity and toffee ones - who remembers those??


oooh yes loving toffos and spangles and frys cremes :D oh those were the days :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

ooooo spangles they were the very best - oh yes I forgot about them.

Oooo my mouth has gone all tingly thinking about it!!


nsd_user663_1789 profile image

Try freezing stuff to make it last longer, got this tip from when i went to fat club (sorry, Weight Watchers or similar).

Curly Wurly's are good, cos they're relatively low in cals compared to other choc bars, and if you freeze them they last for ages!!!!!!!

Sugar free jelly was another one, used to go through a whole bowl every night!!!

I should really get back to using these tips myself, my waist is expanding, has been for 2 years :eek: :eek:

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Try freezing stuff to make it last longer, got this tip from when i went to fat club (sorry, Weight Watchers or similar).

Curly Wurly's are good, cos they're relatively low in cals compared to other choc bars, and if you freeze them they last for ages!!!!!!!

Sugar free jelly was another one, used to go through a whole bowl every night!!!

I should really get back to using these tips myself, my waist is expanding, has been for 2 years :eek: :eek:

Heheheh i do hide my chocolate in the freezer I like it like that and no one can find it :D hehe problem is when you bite into curly wurly the centre is so chewy all the chocolate drops off :D been there done that lolol

nsd_user663_1998 profile image

Oh Tangfastics............ they really know how to hit the spot, especially the Cherries or the Crocodiles. Ive just had to go and get some out of the car.

WHF, think most of us have experienced some sort of craving, perhaps its your tastebuds getting their 'buds and taste' back?

Whatever you crave, Id have some of that rather than some disgusting nic-o-tine mixed with dangerous chemicals. being a few pounds heavier I dont think has ever killed anyone. Me - its bakery products - was meat at one stage and Ive always indulged in sweets and chocolate so no change there.

But happily Ive only had a Steak Slice today rather than a bag of mini sausage rolls and a doughnut as well.

nsd_user663_1998 profile image

Also - hot off the press - cadburys are bringing back Wispas by popular demand

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Also - hot off the press - cadburys are bringing back Wispas by popular demand


Why did george michael have chocolate all over his face???

nsd_user663_1998 profile image

he ate a 'careless wispa'? (or something like that)

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

He was careless with his wispa :D boom boom

Your worthy of the points i think ;) hehe

nsd_user663_1966 profile image

Oh yes I used to love Toffos - you got the fruity and toffee ones - who remembers those??


Ooh yes and mint Toffos as well - they were lovely and spangles and sherbert pips and sherbet lemons and mint humbugs and Revels - but not the coconut ones and yorshire mixture and black jacks and fruit salads, oh and those brown and yellow banana flavoured toffee strip things and and and and and.........

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

my god i forgot!!

Walking into a sweet shop and asking for,

a quarter of pips or sherbet lemons,

they would tip them in the scales and put them in the paper bag and swing it by the corners!!

oh i thought that looked soooo grown up and impressive!!


Rhubarb and custard, cough candy, liquorice comforts, cola cubes

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Ahh but do you remember still using a sixpence (2 and a 1/2 p). I used to get 10p pocket money a week when I was 10 and with that I could get a Beano for 2 1/2p and then I got 30 aniseed balls as they were 1/4 p each!! Or you could buy 2ounces of stuff in the bags which they weighed out.

I wish you could still have shops like that. We had one but it just closed down. They sold all the old sweets - toffos etc and you could buy 1/4's of stuff but not as cheap as back then.


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Ahh but do you remember still using a sixpence (2 and a 1/2 p). I used to get 10p pocket money a week when I was 10 and with that I could get a Beano for 2 1/2p and then I got 30 aniseed balls as they were 1/4 p each!! Or you could buy 2ounces of stuff in the bags which they weighed out.

I wish you could still have shops like that. We had one but it just closed down. They sold all the old sweets - toffos etc and you could buy 1/4's of stuff but not as cheap as back then.


Ah aniseed balls!!! forgot them :D and they did have a wee tiny seed in the middle!! loved those shops x x

no my earliest memories were 1/2p's

decimalisation (SP) happened in 71 I think,

I wasn't even a twinkle in my dads eye then ;)

nsd_user663_1966 profile image

I remember sixpences. I used to get three sixpences for pocket money and my older sis got four. We'd go to the shops on Saturday and spend it on sweets and she'd scoff all hers in no time then I'd end up sharing mine with her cos I was a bit thick then :(

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

I remember sixpences. I used to get three sixpences for pocket money and my older sis got four. We'd go to the shops on Saturday and spend it on sweets and she'd scoff all hers in no time then I'd end up sharing mine with her cos I was a bit thick then :(

Hahahaha i am the youngest x x

my sis was exactly the same !! your not alone x x

She used to have everything of mine if it wasn't nailed down,

at 5 years old it is hard to get hold of hammer and nails :(

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