Day 6 - Nearly 1 whole week.: Now, I know we... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Day 6 - Nearly 1 whole week.

nsd_user663_1930 profile image
16 Replies

Now, I know we should be taking things slowly and in small steps, but its nearly a whole week with out smoking and I just cannot contain my self. :D

And I will me making a point of staying up late Saturday night (Well staying up till normal time for me 1 to 2 am in the morning) and posting a short and simple thread in the Week 2 section of this forum.

Now before starting work on the miserable rainy day I have three pressing matters that need addressing:

Item 1

Most importantly, Barb6374 how is it all going for you?

Item 2

Do I go to McDonalds for a Double Sausage and Egg McMuffin Meal, or do I go to Dixies (Local greasy spoon) and have a fry up?

Item 3

Now I have been talking to some friends and they think I've lost the plot a bit. I woke up on Day 4 and for some reason all I could think about was a "Western Whopper" (For those who do not know, a Whopper is a Burger King burger). Now I am not sure if I have dreamt this as no one has heard of it, and I haven't travelled out to a Burger King to assess the current menu. Now my wife reckons I am thinking of the new "Mex Burger" from McDonalds, but the name "Western Whopper" is soooo different to "Mex Burger".

If any one has had a visual sighting of a "Western Whopper" then please let me know. If not I am going to have to find out the hard way and pay a visit... Hmmmmm fooooood...

Speak to ya all later...

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nsd_user663_1930 profile image
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16 Replies
nsd_user663_1905 profile image

Woo hoo go go go!!!

Day six is brill glad ur feeling so pleased with yourself and yes i know exactly wot u mean about posting on the one week board. Never realised before i quit that giving up smoking could be so exciting lol!!

Have to say the support and motivation on here is amazing and to me its more important than the Zyban in meaning I've got to day 11

nsd_user663_1931 profile image

Morning all


Well, got through last night (torture).

I Smoked Golden virginia , 20 aday and these are my stats from quitkeeper

I have been quit for 5 Days, 10 hours and 27 seconds (5 days). I have saved £3.78 by not smoking 108 cigarettes. I have saved 9 hours of my life. My Quit Date: 10/06/2007 00:30.

I used to get my baccy cheap from abroad.

Its abit hard as my hubby and son still smoke and i love the smell when they light up.They only smoke outdoors though as my daughter who is pregnant gave up 3 months ago.

I am also doing this for my first grandson due in 4 weeks time.As my daughter is so young , nearly 17 , she is still living with us and i don`t want smoke around the baby.I have to be there to support her and the baby and want a healthy ,clean , smoke free home.

I to stay up and watch telly until about 2.30 , but i dont get up until 9.30.

Keep up the good work, you are doing fantastic. I just need to conquer these cravings.

Barb ( still only 30 mins behind you ).

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi Barb

Congrats on new granchild they are great. Glad your still keeping strong things will get better now nothing was like my day four and five nightmare it is what keeps me going. No way will I go back to that hehe. If your daughter quit 3 months ago congrats to her she can give you great support. I know how hard it is having others in the house who still smoke never mind we can do this together Linda xxx

nsd_user663_1931 profile image

Hi Linda

Thank you for your support. It really helps me. I hope it does start to get easier.

I can`t wait for my grandson to be born. My daughter (Kyra) had a 4d scan on tues. Brilliant. He weighs 5 and a half pounds at the moment.She is being induced at 38 weeks because of gestational diabetes, so he should be here about 10th july.

I have to go to work now , thanks again Linda , hope to chat later.

Barb x

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi Barb

That must be one great scan never had things like that in my day my youngest is 23 boy girl 27 boy 30 I have got a lovely granddaughter 8 going on 18 she comes every friday till saturday night my son and her mum have split. going to work my self now what do you do. Speak later Linda xx

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Western Whopper ~ BK

Your not mad!! the person trying to sell it on ebay worries me!!

I think it's not in UK yet though so maybe you saw or heard something from America.

And prolly too late now but. ............ Fry up every time! :D

Grats on remaining quit! your doing great and eating is so much better as I don't feel any guilt because 'I have quit smoking!'

And to Barb!! well done !! to you too and your daughter! she must be very level headed to quit! i didn't :o

4d scan cool does everyone have those now? oooh man i got to have another baby! hehe

Very healthy weight!

Woo hooo *wave* hows you Linda x x x x

nsd_user663_1930 profile image

It all makes perfect sense now...

I must of heard about it on (Canandian Radio Station that you can listen too over the internet)...

Hehehe... Thanks Buffy...

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Ahhhh ha! that will be it! hehe nice to know your ready for collection by the men in white coats just yet :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Morning Barb & Gav

Week one allready thats the worse one over and done it can only get better now. Good luck to you both and have a fab weekend. Love Linda xxx

nsd_user663_1931 profile image

Morning Linda

Had a good day yesterday only 1-2 craves. Today though, i really fancy one.

Have you got your granddaughter today?.

i have a son who is 20 soon and my daughter nearly 17. My son works as a tv listings editor and as you know daughter is having a baby.

I work at a local primary school as a lunchtime supervisor, 12 till 1. I am in charge of 10 dinner ladies. Its a very rewarding job looking after 340 children between us. I have been doing it for 12 and a half years.

Buffy--- I also love Titan , saw him at Minehead in March.

We go to minehead every year and we stay in a private owners log cabin or caravan around a lake. Its very peaceful. They have just built some timeshare apartments there down near the main complex.

Hope you are both keeping good and where is Gav?.

Barb xx

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi all

yes have got granddaughter to day and son has just come to see her so speak later Love Linda xxxx

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Minehead is my favorite Butlins :rolleyes: unfortunately the travel is long for us and with the kids throwing up with travel sickness left right and centre we decided to stick with bognor from now on !

Minehead has a lot to offer too its a beautiful place :D

Enjoy the peaceful weekend Barb, not many left now before your daughter has her baby hehehe x x

Take it easy Linda :) enjoy your weekend x x

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Ah hehe crossed posts

Enjoy your youthful weekend with darling granddaughter x x

nsd_user663_1930 profile image

Hi everyone, Gav is still here, but only just.

I have just had the worst experience since starting to give up smoking (Worse than day 1).

After a good week working and not smoking I thought time for my no smoking treat, time to buy a television :)

Now what a mistake that was (going shopping with the family)... My 5 year old son nearly broke me in a matter of minutes... Seriously not amused...

Infact at one point I was going to get out of the car and walk the 10 miles home. The only thing that stopped me was knowing that I would go via the nearest newsagent or garage and get some cigs...

Needless to say I am back home now (With no TV!!), however I am on the edge of giving up the no smoking campaign.

We will just have to see how the rest of the weekend pans out now.

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Ouchy Sorry :(

Kids can be a pain x x

5 year old boys are in my experience a particularly bad combo :D

Why don't you chose a TV online for delivery and put up your feet, tomorrow is fathers day and am sure you'll get spoiled rotten so hang on in there Gav x x x x

You don't really want to give in to the monster ~ neither the nico one nor the 5 yr old one :rolleyes:

~Buffy x

nsd_user663_1931 profile image

Hi Gav

I feel like that many times in the day. It is very hard to resist lighting up , especially as there is baccy in my house.

I hope you get through this. Just think you wont want to say "only 7 days behind you Barb".:D :D :D

Keep your chin up and good luck for the rest of today.


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