Day 6- Nearly 1st Week Done: Good morning... - No Smoking Day

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Day 6- Nearly 1st Week Done

nsd_user663_16968 profile image
6 Replies

Good morning everyone,

This is day 6 for me, cant believe its gone that quickly. :) Good mind you after my strangely weird and unwell day yesterday. I will make sure that i eat properly this morning before i have my Champix as i dont want the same happening again, that was horrid. :(

I have also noticed that i cant speak to my OH so much, you see he is a lorry driver and when he used to call i would nip outside for a quick one but now when he calls i still associate his calls with needing a cig so i have told him just for a week or so only text or email me when he wants to contact me. I need to break that association and at this stage in the game this is what i need to do.

Tomorrow will be my first whole week although it was early last Sunday that i had my last cig but i cant believe i have not caved in because yesterday i felt that bad that i could easily have done so.

Just had my breakfast and the first tablet of the day, making sure that i have eaten as i dont want to end up like yesterday :(

I have Tesco Direct and Argos coming today, they are bringing some christmas presents for the kids so i will be busy later wrapping them up. Fingers crossed and all that this will be my fist since 1990 as a Non Smoker. :)

Anyhow, gotta go scarf no 6 needs finishing, but i will be back later.


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nsd_user663_16968 profile image
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6 Replies
nsd_user663_9220 profile image

Good Morning hunny!!

That week has sure gone fast, it only feels like yesterday you introduced yourself:)

Well done hun, i am so proud of you ((hugs))

Here's to great weekend smoke free!!

Snowie xx

P.s i have only just worked out what your "LOL" means at the end of your posts.... i have always associated that with " laugh out loud" but i am now thinking you do it as "lots of love" xx

nsd_user663_16474 profile image

Great achievement Jo!! Well done!! Only two days to week two. You *can* do this!!!

Ed xx

Levs profile image
Levs1000 Days Smoke Free

P.s i have only just worked out what your "LOL" means at the end of your posts.... i have always associated that with " laugh out loud" but i am now thinking you do it as "lots of love" xx

Oh yeah, that would make sence :D

Well done on getting through yesterday, you overcame the worst day you have had and so are still not smoking. You should be very proud.

Have a good day hun.

Sian xx

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Thank you Everyone


Well i have been a busy bee this morning. I thought i had better do some housework cos you could write your name in the dust that was around. Thats the conservatory, part of the kitchen and the living room done.

Later it will be the 2nd then 3rd floors mainly bedrooms to do. Strange as it seems i used to hate doing the housework so ended up having a cig instead but this morning i have done that part so far and have not rewarded myself with a ciggy like i would have done NOPE i am having a sit down with a nice cup of tea and then i will do somemore knitting. I have nearly finished the scarf i started yesterday at about 2, its now just past the 4' mark and so i will finish that wool, cast off and start the blue version. This wool im using is chunky and makes up once knitted a camo pattern so guess what my boys want it but i only have the one in green nearly done so they will have to share and wait for the blue one too.

Argos and Tesco have both delivered and i will have to start to wrap those up later. I dont want to do that at the mo but i will get my eldest one to help me later on tonight then take them upstairs until the tree goes up at the end of November or the start of December.

I have not spoken to my OH since yesterday morning as like i said earlier i associate him with having a cig so until i feel clearer in my mind i cant call and speak to him for a while. I know that sounds a bit odd but you all know that you have to change the things that made us smoke before and that for me was one of them, i liked to talk to him in private so went outside, once outside i had a cig. I know, i know i am really dumb but thats how it is im affraid :(

Im lucky in the respect that i dont have the old stale smell of ciggy smoke in my house, as previously mentioned i have not smoked in this house since Jan 2006, the whole house has been redecorated since then and its all fresh and clean, that is helping too because there is nothing in here to remind me.

I think of my goal here and i wish that my sister who has smoked more than 20 a day since the age of about 13 i would say and is now 41 and a grandmother, would give up, i should not say this really but she smells terrible so does her house, when my kids went over there and i stopped that ages ago they would stink really bad when they came back, we all would, she is very ill with Crohns Disease and other ailments, been advised to stop yet still does, she never has any money for food but always manages to find the money for cigs which makes me so angry. I wish she would give up. I have been unable to see her for years because she makes me feel sick, i mean really sick she is that bad.


Anyhow, been quite busy this afternoon too. Just done the ironing and finished off the hoovering and cleaning. Just one load in the dryer to sort and then thats it for all the washing today. I have finished scarf no 6, the boys have that now and i have started scarf no 7 a blue camo type one, i dont know im going to have a house full of scarves soon i may be sending some to you lot otherwise i wont be able to get into my own home, mind you it is keeping me very busy which is the main reason for taking it up in the first place. :)

My Twins are making Pom poms with the reusable circles like we all used to make as kids, they are really enjoying it and so far have made 2 each, well there is plenty of wool here now and because the circles are reusable they can make as many as they like. The main thing is they are not arguing thank goodness.

Well tomorrow will be the 7 days since i had my last ciggy, still feels strange mind you, i still get those thoughts about them and that i think im missing something, which clearly im not but as we all know its not easy just to switch off and stay off of them. My mother in law has given up but she never meant to, she had a really bad chest infection so could not smoke then now has stayed off of them, she did say that she tried to have one a few days ago and she nearly threw up. Wish i could have been like her and just not go back on them.

Anyhow, all's well here, quiet actually, im thinking about what to do for tea tonight as its just me and the kids, OH still away so it will be an easy tea later. Im also looking forward to having a relaxing bath and a face mask treat tonight, something to keep my skin in better nick now seeing as im not puff, puff, puffing away anymore and i need to take care of the skin i have. :) I just wish in a sense that i could have had a nice glass of wine or something but because im on these Champix i cant drink which also means that Christmas i wont be able too neither the new year, oh well small price to pay to stay off the old cancer givers!

Where has the week gone, i dont know about you but it was only this time last week that i first posted and yet a day later i quit, now its almost a week after that and time has gone extremely quickly. Some days have dragged a bit and the cravings, well i actually im not going to call them cravings, the thoughts would come and go, unlike yesterday where i had a bad day and it bothered me more i feel that in my heart and in my head i have done the right thing. I just dont want to go back on them, i want the thoughts to start to become less frequent and then hopefully the hours, days and weeks will turn into years and smoke free years at that.

I only wish that i had managed to stay off of them back in 2006, but thats the past and now im looking to a healthier, happier future. I have also decided to buy some Berucca Vitamins, they should help to boost my system too, at the mo im on 1000mg Vit c and Zinc but i think i need more to give my system a chance to recover so thats what im going for. Having an Underactive thyroid too does not help although i think my tierdness now is down to the giving up but saying that i am sleeping longer and deeper, strange i know.

Anyhow guys and gals, i do hope that your keeping the 'NicoDemon' at bay this weekend and to all my new found friends on here, good luck and keep well.

Lots Of Love (LOL)

Take Care all

nsd_user663_5972 profile image

You doing great Jo :)

Really proud hun!

Keep up your great PMA and you will beat the little sod :)

Luv & hugs

Tinks xx

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Thank you Tink

Hi Tink

Thanks for those words. Sussed out what PMA means now, silly mare i am.

Anyhow, just got tea on the go, kids have finished making their pom poms for the day, i think they made 5 each.

Must not forget that the clocks go back later tonight, just wonder how that hour change will affect the kids again, i dont know why we still have to go through that still twice a year.

Its issing down with us down here in not so sunny somerset. Been a strange day all day today weather wise.

I cant stop yawning, so must be getting tierd now, maybe its early to bed tonight trouble is if i wake to early i remember the past :confused: and i dont like those old memories. Oh well gotta get through them sometime and soon.

Still not spoken to my OH today, maybe i will call him later and see how he is getting on. Im saving my minutes on my contract so is he but i hope he does not think im being funny its just TBH i cant think of much to say to him. Nothing has happened, nothing worth mentioning and we only talk gabble when we do get on the phone together, maybe thats why i kept going out for a cig as we spoke to much and in the end it passed the time as we had nothing to say at that time.

Right till later then

Bye for now

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