I had my transplant last month and I had two blood transfusions. One bag the first time then two bags the second time. I’m not sure if it’s the medications but I have had full body itching since I left the hospital. My doctors tried benedryl, Zyrtec, hydroxyzine pamoat and I have put anything from cortisone cream and other things on my to relieve the itch. Absolutely nothing has worked they have changed medications and took me off some but nothing eases the itch at all. Anyone else had this problem if so what did you do?
Severe itching after kidney transplant - Kidney Transplant
Severe itching after kidney transplant

Sorry you are going through this. I am allergic to sulfa drugs so initial meds were adjusted. What medications are you on? Obviously you are allergic to something. I hope you find out what it is.
Sorry to hear this but yes, I experienced itching and a “water mouse”. First, itching, I took Benadryl and used lotion along with two baths a day which I used body oil. It really helped and the itching eventually went away. Second, “water mouse”. I developed a “water mouse” over my incision site 4 months after TP. Essentially, there was excess water around the site and it literally expanded into the exact shape of a computer mouse. It was harmless I was told and fairly rare but did occur in about 10% of TP patients. I could take my hand and put it on the “water mouse” and could not tell the difference between my computer mouse and it...It went away after about 3 months, looked pretty funny through my shirt.. Good luck!
They did give me benedryl and other antihistamines even a prescription drug and nothing stopped the itching. I do shower twice a day and Use moisturizers. It give me relief for like 15 minutes if that. I had a fluid build up pack inside my stomach they had to pop it and leave it open so it drained the nasty ever lol. But I hope yours healed well and everything went great and continue to.
I was itching so badly I couldn’t sleep. Bags of ice were the only solution . It was terrible for 2 months. Scratching so much I was bleeding . It suddenly went . I wonder if a response to thining skin caused by drugs.
Oh wow yes that’s exactly how mines was no sleep and scratching so much I was scratching my skin open it got painful. Lately it’s been easing up not as bad still itching but a lot more tolerable. Glad you’re doing better, I can’t wait to get to that point.
I put ice on at the first sign. I found starting scratching was the problem. If I stopped that skin stood a chance. I was in agony and despairing . Drs gave me anti hystermin but that did nothing . I do sympathise. It will go! These side affects are such a battle ! Currently struggling with hair loss and very painful stomach. Hoping it will pass. This site which I’m new to is very reassuring.