Hello I am possibly getting a kidney transplant in the next year. I read in a recent post that someone had a hard time getting a dentist to take him on as patient. I would be very interested in hearing other people’s experiences in going to a dentist after kidney transplant. I read you may have to take antibiotics before going even if it’s a cleaning. Would appreciate some advice. Thank you.
Dental procedures after kidney transplant - Kidney Transplant
Dental procedures after kidney transplant

I am 3 and a half years post transplant. I have not had any issues with my dentist, nor have I had to take antibiotics before a cleaning.
I imagine everyone’s vulnerability to possible infection is unique to them and depends on multiple factors, like how suppressed your immune system is, your general overall health, any existing medical issues besides transplant status to name a few.
Your transplant team or nephrologist should be able to review your concern and be able to shed some light on it for you. Did you ask your dentist?
Hi, one of the requirements before I had my transplant was to have a full dental check-up and get an all-clear (this involved some fillings for me!) this was not because of any warning about dentists not treating but because of being immune compromised after transplant (ie any decay might go crazy because of low immunity) I will be seeing dentist every six months to ensure ongoing health. Don’t know if that helps but good luck!
I've had to change dentists twice since my transplant over five years ago. My dentist of 30 years up and retired on me (truly, I wish him well, but I miss him)! The next dentist had no problem taking me on, but she ran into some issues she felt were beyond her scope and wanted a specialist's input. He didn't want to treat me because he didn't think the issue was that bad and he felt that the potential risk outweighed the benefit. Then my insurance changed so I had to find another dentist, again! This one is a gem! She is gentle and thorough and closer to home.
My transplant team made the decision that I would need to take one dose of antibiotics (2000 mg of amoxicillin) 30 minutes before my appointment early in my recovery from the surgery. My incision got infected and that set me up for multiple infections down the road. I've had two or three cleanings each year, a crown and two fillings. Only once did I forget to take the meds beforehand, and I was a nervous wreck the whole time I was being worked on. She said to relax and take them as soon as I got home, which I did. Thankfully, I've had no issues as a result any dental work I've had done. I've had lots of other challenges, put I'm still here fighting to live my best life. Best wishes to you!
Never had an issue with dentist refusing me.My transplant team said didn't need antibiotics but was just acleaning but I did get sick after as my gums bleed alot when cleaning so I wish I had gotten them so I havent been back since after that 1 time post transplant for cleaning.
I’m 5 years transplanted . No problems, get my teeth checked and cleaned twice a year . I would probably ask for an antibiotic if I was getting a tooth pulled just to be cautious.
Good luck
I had a kidney transplant 30yrs ago and don’t take antibiotics for routine dental/hygenist appointments. I took them when I had an abscess.. Hope all goes well for you.
Hi Sunchip! I am 19 years out. I have never had a dentist refuse nor even be hesitant to take me on as a patient. My nephrologist used to prescribe antibiotics before any dental procedure, including cleanings, for about ten years but then told me that the practice (of taking antibiotics before going to the dentist) was outdated. So I stopped taking them. I have never had a problem.
My husband's dentist cleans his teeth cleaned quarterly and has never asked him to take antibiotics for that procedure. When working on a broken tooth, however, his dentist did have him take antibiotics. The dentist was asked to replace a standard antibiotic with one the transplant center preferred. (My husband asked his center for guidance, which one should do anytime a med is required.) The switch was made with no issues. And the procedure and recovery was uneventful. Labs stayed the same.
I have not had any issues with seeing a dentist. I am seeing the same doctor that I had before my transplant. I do take an antibiotic before seeing my dentist as recommended by my transplant team.

Things have changed a lot over the last few years. I had no problem finding a dentist. I have check-ups and cleanings every 6 months. I had my transplant over 25 years ago. Back then you were suppose to have antibiotics before having your teeth cleaned. You don't need to do that now. You do need to see a dentist every 6 months to make sure there are no issues in your mouth and teeth. Being immunosuppressed an infection would not be good for you.
I am 5 weeks post transplant. I was told I will take an antibiotic (1 pill) an hour before my dental appointment for life. I’m to call my transplant clinic to get the prescription when needed.
Hi! I had a transplant 44 years ago. (Very Blessed)! I have been to a few Dentists over the years with no issues. I do have to take a pre- med of antibiotics before any dental procedure.
Hi Sunchip. Good luck with the transplant journey. Immunesupresants increase the risk of mouth cancer so you may need check ups. I have steered clear of dentists as I am more concerned with COVID. I am four years post transplant. At the end of the day it is your choice as to variety of risks posed by the medication but my transplant was the best gift I have ever received.Best wishes
Please cite your source. I read things carefully, and I have only ever read increase risk of lymphoma and melanoma.
The immunosuppressants used to treat kidney transplant recipients can make them more susceptible to oral cancer. Some drugs, like cyclosporine and azathioprine, can directly cause carcinogenesis. Human papillomavirus (HPV) can also cause lesions in the mouth, and chronic immunosuppression can increase the risk of HPV infection.
Nog nooooit last van gehad.Ga 1x per jaar voor controle en reiniging.
Transplantatie bijna 5 jaar geleden.
I did take antibiotics before dental work for the first year. My Dentist (his assistant actually) noticed I added transplant to my history and asked about antibiotics. I had forgotten to take them, so they had some there and they gave me some.
I had a new dentist who wanted me to take an antibiotic pill before he cleaned my teeth. My nephrologist said absolutely not, not for that. I am 18 months out. He said there is no recommendation for patients to take an antibiotic for routine cleaning or getting a crown. For a procedure that have a higher risk for infection - root canal, extraction.- we did not discuss this. Should it come up, I will ask him again. I also changed dentists. Dentists not accepting transplant patients sounds like an urban myth to me, but I could be mistaken.
yes it's very impt to take antibiotics before a dental cleaning after a kidney transplant.
I think I am the cause of everyone's concern. Sorry. I will expand on my situation. I am taking the usual immunosuppressants. In my case Tacrolimus and Prednisolone. Prednisolone has given me bone density issues and I am now taking Alendronic Acid to deal with the bone density problems caused. Immunosuppression and bone thinning, with Alendronic Acid seemed to terrify dentists that I went to see (recommended by other dental 'specialists'). My transplant clinic said I might have to go to a Dental Hospital for treatment but I eventually found a dentist (who also works at a Dental Hospital) who seemed happy to accept me as a patient. He also contacted my transplant consultant to get his approval for my proposed treatment, which made me very happy.
I guess everyone has their own personal experience my transplant team requested I take antibiotics every time I go to the dentist even for cleanings. I consulted my local nephrologist and PCP and even took a doctors’s note to my dentist to avoid having to take antibiotics every time I go in for a cleaning. My dentist however has turned me away from a cleaning because I forgot to take my antibiotics. I have read that it may not be beneficial to take antibiotics every time you go to a dentist appointment but there is always the risk of infection so I guess I’ll comply with my transplant team’s recommendation.
My dentist don't have a problem doing anything even pulling teeth. Unfortunately, my transplant meds are destroying my teeth. I have had 3 teeth pulled since my transplant. At the beginning I had to take antibiotics before the procedure but now they say I don't need them for any procedure unless my tooth is infected.
My teeth are aweful from meds most of my life and gotten worse. I wish I could just have them pulled and have dentures. Advice please.
If you have dental insurance it should help paying for you to have that done. I will advice that if you have teeth that are still good get partials not dentures. I will say this not sure f9r you but for me it takes a long time for the holes to heal up after I have a tooth pulled so if you do get all your teeth pulled at once you might need to wait awhile before you can have dentures. If you get the immediate dentures just remember you will need them readjusted once your gums have completely healed or your dentures won't fit properly. I just happened to understand a lot about dentures because my dad owned a dental lab so he made dentures and partials. Good luck!
I’ve have no issues post transplant. The only thing is I had to wait 6-9 months after transplant (which is why it was important to get the check-up before the transplant) but otherwise there were no issues with seeing a dentist.
Yes. I take 1000 Amoxacillin an hour before I go the dentist. My dentists father had a transplant and he has been very aware of how teeth can change after transplant. My issues have been less saliva, therefore more cavities. I am getting cavities for the first time in many years. I use a water pic, electric toothbrush, ACT Flouride rinse and te pe brushes for flossing instead of normal dental floss. It is a pain but I really try to do my best.