My husband had kidney transplant about 3 months ago. Wanted to reach out to you if you had an excessive urination , frequency , urgency and incontinence up to this time. It seems like he urinates most at night I would say what he had drunk during the day ..
Post Kidney transplant : My husband had... - Kidney Transplant
Post Kidney transplant

I am 25 years post transplant (still going strong and stable due to compliance with meds regimen) and never had these symptoms except in connection with an enlarged prostate (typical for older men). Has he been checked for that? What you describe is pretty common in the realm of prostate issues.

These issues should be brought to the attention of his transplant team. Always report issues to them.
I agree about notifying your transplant team. I am 15 year post-transplant, though I remember shortly after I was discharged, it was as if the new kidney was working overtime. I could not sleep more than 45 to 60 minutes without going to the bathroom, which lasted for 3 to 4 weeks. In my follow-up appointments, I was found to be somewhat dehydrated, and needed several appointments to get IV fluids.
I’m four years post transplant. Yes, always ask the transplant team. I can still easily message my team.
I experienced all the urination issues mentioned, gradually declining in intensity, for over a year. One warning do _not_ reduce water consumption; when I did that my creatin level increased. I drink 4 liters of water a day. 75 years old. On HHD three years prior to transplant. Enjoy Your Life!!!
Yes, that way my experience after transplant (I'm female) because my bladder had not been used for two years. The first night home from the hospital was horrible. Up every 15 to 20 minutes. They also had me drinking 4 liters of water a day because I was peeing out that much, but that was counter-productive. The more I drank, the more I urinated, so they let me cut back to 3 liters. It did get better, thankfully. I'm now almost 2 1/2 years past transplant and my bladder still doesn't hold as much as it used to before dialysis, but I sometimes can make it through the night without having to get up.
I am almost 6 months post transplant, female and definitely had this issue at first. I was told the same thing about my bladder needing to stretch but I never stopped urinating while on dialysis. Be sure they check him for urinary tract infection which can cause the discomfort and leaks. I had one that I believe was caused by catheter in hospital. There was a stint in my ureter that was removed a week earlier than planned to give me relief. At this point I get up twice at night, every 3 hours. I hope this problem resolves soon.
hello congratulations on his transplant I had mine 10 months ago and the first few months will be wobbly but it will settle I still urinate mostly at night and I’m doing good so I wouldn’t be worried but if he is concerned ring his transplant team for peace of mind I know it’s worrying I still do every time I get a twinge or pain but it always turns t to be nothing it’s hard not to worry I know but I’m beginning to relax a bit more now and so will he in time best of luck
i had the same problems for around six months until my bladder healed. up all nite gets better with time now 40 years later its an enlarged prostate now on flomax so i can empty bladder but at 40 years creatnine is 1.08 so i ok with getting up just let nephrologist know whats is going on good luck
How many months did you have to deal with this urination issue. Just crazy with this too much urine .
I had my LK transplant in March 2023 and had the same issue for the first 3-4 months. In the beginning, I would get up every night several times. The doctors said that my bladder needed time to get back to normal. The issue corrected itself almost fully by about month 6. Of course, keeping hydrated and checking with the medical team is essential, in case of other possible reasons. This is my own experience. Wishing your husband a speedy recovery.
Thank you soo much for the information
We are both Nurses . We have no idea on what to expect. He is 3 months. 2 weeks. Still lots of urine especially at night ..
Can’t complain. Better than dialysis which is so unpredictable. Dialysis is slow d…. Hope it gets better . It works for us as it is winter . We are obligated to stay home.
I was on dialysis for 4 years without the ability to urinate. In the first couple of months after transplant, I could not get any sleep having to get up constantly to pee. I did not have any prostate issues. After a couple of months it stared getting better, but I still had to wake up in the middle of the night. The issue got better with time for me. After about six months I was able to sleep through the night, but still had to run to the bathroom in the morning. The issue resolved for me pretty much after about 6 months.