Hi, I'm new on this site and had a general question for those who are athletic and have had a kidney transplant. I have had a very successful kidney and pancreas cadaver transplant for about 9 years now. I am becoming more active and spending more time in the gym. I've been reading the common literature about sports nutrition, weight training and supplementation from reputable sources. I have two major concerns at this point. Does anyone know what is considered a safe maximum daily protein intake that allows for muscle growth but won't damage the kidney? Note: I'm a 47 year old man. Also, does anyone know if all protein supplements are hard on the kidney? I was warned by a doctor to stay away from whey protein and I have. However, I have been consuming protein shakes made from egg white protein which I feel is much healthier. Is this still too dangerous? I know that bigger biceps are meaningless if I'm sitting in a dialysis clinic.
Second, is creatine monohydride a completely banned substance for transplant patients? I know it isn't recommended for those with kidney disease. I have been consuming the minimum dosage of 5 grams per day. Should I just drop all of this? Any input would be highly appreciated. THANK YOU! ....