Hello everyone: I've been on this site for a few years now. I came on here today to ask about other's experience with their kidney transplant and any tips they may have for the evaluations. Any and all advice is appreciated, negative and positive. If you could give one one piece of advice to another person about transplants and the evaluations, what would it be? Why?
I know a transplant is not the cure all it could be. Two years ago, my eGFR declined to 20 and my Nephrologist is all happy that I was eligible for dialysis or transplant, but I wasn't interested in doing it while I was feeling fine. Why push fate and take a chance on something worse while my kidney is still working. Fast forward to now two years later. My eGFR is now 10.9 and stable for over a year. My Nephrologist is again pushing me to do dialysis and/or transplant. My one kidney is still working and I still fine. I am not rushing into dialysis, as he wants me to do, but I am set to get evaluated to get on various transplant waiting lists at different centers next month, just in case. I'd like to know how your kidney transplant surgeries went and how your evaluations went and if you have any tips, recommendations you may have for the evaluations. I am still doing everything I can to avoid dialysis/transplant. I exercise everyday. I meditate. I take my meds. I eat a Vegan Whole Foods Plant Based Diet supplemented with Ketologues. I eat lots of fruits and vegetables. I pray a great deal not just for me but for everyone. And yes, I'm still praying for a miracle.
I'm one of those persons that know that physicians are not Gods and that they don't know everything. And putting a patient on dialysis and/or transplant is when they make the big bucks not from office visits so they push us into it. I also know about the lifelong meds that a transplant patient has to take to keep the transplant safe and that there are lots of them and it isn't cheap and many make you feel worse than you were before the transplant. People don't want to hear negative experiences, especially our specialists who are trying to talk us into doing something we really don't want to do. But I do. I feel I'm as informed as I can be and still I wonder what else is there that I'm missing. Thanks in advance for sharing your experience. I wish everyone my sincere best wishes. Stay safe. Regards,