Hi, I am 75 years old, have CKD and my nephrologist is recommending PD dialysis for me. I'm at the point where it's going to be needed in the future because my kidneys are getting worse but I don't need it right this minute. I also have Parkinson's and that along with carbidopa/levodopa type medication causes slow intestinal motility, constipation and all kinds of digestive issues. I have to take Miralax and other laxatives daily that don't work that great. I worry that having a tube in my belly will make things worse. It could affect absorption of Parkinson's medication and constipation also blocks absorption of that medicine as well. With Parkinson's any changes make things worse. If you are on PD with PD, I'd love to hear from you, how it's going and what to expect.
Thanks so much!