I just wanted to say thank you to those who. Told me dialysis drain pain will get better. When I started in February on pd dialysis I was on my knee every time it drain . I was like no way my nurse and yall kept saying giving it time I admit I thought you all were crazy . But I may have a little time to time but not like when I first started.
I just got out of the hospital yes I was in again it was very serious this time I had a blood infection sepsis they said good thing I came into the er .
but every night they had there on pd team who would set up dialysis that what they did I am grateful I only fo 9 hours over night . I think on here the longest I heard was Ron who had to do 12. But the pd dialysis nurse told me he had two paients there that he has to hook up they do 18 hours that like a whole day.
just wonder how many hours of pd everyone has to do. I know we are all differnt .