I have ESKD and I bruise very easily. I was wondering if post kidney transplant will resolve or help this issue.
kidney disease skin condition : I have ESKD... - Kidney Dialysis
kidney disease skin condition

I feel for you. Only a doctor can diagnose your skin condition. It's possible, however, that it's actinic (senile) purpura that individuals often get as one ages and as the skin thins. My husband went through kidney failure, dialysis, and now has a transplant. He first noticed it in his early 70s, soon after he received his new kidney. Simply brushing the back of his hand on anything brought up huge purple welts. He asked his transplant nephrologist, also about his age, who told him what it was, informed him it "just happens" as one ages - that it's not related to kidney conditions or his transplant. Then, she held up her hand to show us her own welt and told us (with a big sigh) that she had checked with numerous specialists and there isn't a really good treatment for it. We've noticed, however, that bruising can spread more if you're on a blood thinner. Interesting, I now see many seniors with actinic purpura everywhere...especially at checkouts as they scan or load items for cashiers. Of course it could be something else so it's always best to check with your team. For more information on actinic purpura, here's a link: healthline.com/health/senil...
Arnicare cream or gel helps so much with bruises.I take Eliquis & bruise easily it helps to fade them is a short time.
I'm on blood thinner and aspirin. I have always bruised easily but now I have huge bruises on my hands and arms. Often, they break open and bleed for almost forever. I have scars from that. I;ve tried arnica and it does no good for me.