Struggling to make a decision, mum is 64, in Africa, egfr is very low and creatinine very high. She walks, does everything as normal but some days she has severe headaches and legs swell. She is starting to have cysts randomly in different places. the most recent one in her left armpit. 4 years ago we removed one on the knee. Been advised she does not have enough blood and dialysis might be too much for her. What would be the best advice here. Been to a nephrologist who suggested immediate dialysis but we are worried she might get worse since she does not have enough blood and she is advanced in age.
Mum 64 EGFR 2, Creatinine 1478 - Kidney Dialysis
Mum 64 EGFR 2, Creatinine 1478
Advanced age 64 nope, that's not old. I know tons of people like myself over 70 doing dialysis. And I am not sure what you mean by not enough blood. If her doctor says dialysis, then it is dialysis. Because she will die very soon if you don't
Your mom kidneys not clearing toxins hence the high creatine levels. Get blood if needed but dialysis is needed asap. Else not a good outcome.
Hi there, I started dialysis three months ago so I'm quite new to it. First thing I noticed was the brain fog lifted a little and I gained my appetite back and a little extra energy.The actual dialysis takes it out of you on the day but the next day you feel a bit better.
It is no panacea but at least it'll put you in a holding pattern for a transplant.
Pass on my best wishes to your mother and I wish you both well.
I cannot believe your mum’s stats and the fact she’s not been placed immediately on dialysis. This needs to be done as a matter of urgency. Can’t stress that enough. (Kinda hoping she’s on it by now). The alternative doesn’t bear thinking about. BTW 64 is not old. Sending your mum my best wishes.
Try Peritoneal Dialysis. No blood involved. It is a nightly treatment. But it is easier on the body than Hemo Dialysis. I've been on PD for 5 years and Im thriving. .
PD might be difficult in place like Africa, so hemodialysis is the better option. Go into dialysis right away before the body stress affects any other organs.