Hi, everyone! My mom has been on dialysis for about two years now, but she just started at a new clinic (DaVita) in Virginia.
My mom suffers from very low blood pressure during and after treatment, so we’ve found that a slower, more gentle, and longer (4 hour) treatment works best for her. When she started at DaVita, we learned that almost everyone there (with the exception of one other patient) only receives 3.5 hours of treatment. My mom asked for 4 hours at a slower rate, in line with the treatment she has been receiving for the past two years, and they obliged. We thought everything was settled.
However, one of the nurses decided that my mom only needs 3.5 hours because her URR is very good. She has approached my mom several times about shortening her treatment, and every time my mom has told the nurse that she doesn’t want to do that. Recently, the nurse told the doctor that my mom’s treatment time should be reduced, so my mom explained to the doctor why she preferred the gentler 4-hour treatment. The doctor told the nurse that my mom doesn’t want to shorten her time. Again, we thought the matter was settled…until today, when the nurse deliberately changed the timer on my mom’s machine to 3.5 hours without telling her. Luckily, my mom noticed that the timer had been changed, and her assigned tech changed it back to 4 hours.
This nurse has made it clear that she doesn’t want anyone questioning her (she has yelled at and talked over patients that ask questions), and she is also known for treating non-white patients worse than others. Unfortunately, she also seems to have a lot of sway over the clinic manager and doctors. My mom’s tech has already told us that the nurse doesn’t like my mom and has made comments like, “She should go back to [old clinic].” My mom is worried that speaking up will result in retaliation against her, and we don’t have much faith in the clinic manager (she has her “favorites” and my mom isn’t one of them, since my mom has a tendency to ask questions before accepting a new medication and wants to be kept in the loop about her treatment plan).
What other options do we have other than switching to another clinic, which will take some time? Is there something else we can do to address this issue if the doctor and/or clinic manager don’t take action?