A few weeks after I started dialysis, a woman also started. She was dressed in drab brown clothes and needed help to walk. Once seated she would shake and tell anyone that listened, that she didn't want to be there. She just wanted to go home and die. Her family had insisted she at least tried dialysis. Fast forward a few months, she began to improve. She would come striding in, dressed in colourful clothes and would drive herself in. She would chat to everyone. She wasn't sure if she should go on the transplant list but eventually decided to go ahead. Three weeks after going active on the list, she got the call!! Today she popped in to surprise me at my work!! It was quite an emotional moment 🥰🥰..She was glowing. She said she was thriving and feels like a new woman!! I really wish everyone could see the amazing transformation in her. It was a lovely moment to see someone doing so well. I really did feel quite teary to see her. I just wanted to let people know, there is light at the end of the tunnel. I know it's not an easy journey for some and we all have our struggles. However life does have its good moments and today was one of them. Keep going everyone xx
Just wanted to share a lovely moment - Kidney Dialysis
Just wanted to share a lovely moment

Thank you for posting this.
Wow, good for her. 3 weeks on the transplant list and she got a kidney?????? I wonder why she did not have to wait like everyone else does.
Deciding who gets a kidney is a complicated task but I can think of two reasons that she might have received a kidney so fast. Based on her description she may have been placed higher on the list because the other people were healthier than she was. The condition of your kidneys play a part in their decisions. Second, she may have opted to accept a damaged kidney. There is shorter list for people willing to accept a less than perfect kidney. I’m sending my request in this month as it should significantly reduce my wait time.
The length of time you are on dialysis is another factor that determines wait time. You’re given credit for the years you have been on dialysis.
And, yes, your overall health can be a factor. I was moved from active to inactive status on the waitlist for several months specifically because I wasn’t ion dialysis, no BP meds, and was viewed by the transplant team as healthy enough to wait.
As I’ve said in other posts, I was still not on dialysis when I got the call. Waiting turned out to be a good decision for me.
We were all shocked at how quickly it happened too. Turns out it was a perfect match for her. In Scotland they usually phone three people to come in, if a kidney becomes available. This us so, it doesn't go to waste. They only called her as it was such a good match. She said as soon as it was connected everything went pink. Even the nursing staff said it was rare for a kidney to work so well. All I know us, she is doing so well xx
Thank you for sharing this story. It really gave me some hope. This disease can be emotionally and physically demanding. It's nice to see a little light. .

Great Thanksgiving story!! I don't think anyone likes or really wants to start dialysis. It is a stop gap measure till you can get a life-saving transplant. I am 24 years post-transplant and kind of know how that lady feels! Life is pretty great!!

What an inspiring story! And it was truly miraculous how quickly she got a transplant and that it worked right away! It reminds me of my own transplant almost 3 years ago - it was from an altruistic living donor and also pinked up and started working immediately. I can also say keep hope in your heart and work hard to stay as healthy as possible if you, too want to receive a transplant one day! It's not an easy road, but it's worth it!
Thanks for posting this story. I have been on the transplant list for 4.5 years and on dialysis for a year and two months. I have been called twice to the hospital and both times there were late issues for the kidney and I was not able to receive the transplant. This story definitely gives me hope that once that perfectly matched kidney arrives, miracles truly happen!
That is a beautiful story but 3 weeks and she got a life saving transplant ???? I been waiting 3 plus years, Just wow.
I know Bubba!! She went on the list just after me, so we were discussing consultant appointments etc. It was a perfect match for her. When it's your time, it's your time. Hang in there, you never know what tomorrow brings 🫰 x
How are you doing with your transplant situation? I wanted to let you know I found someone who wants to donate to me but we don't match, so he will donate to someone and someone will donate to me. It's called crossmatch donation. Not sure when it will happen or if it will, still getting worked up. Happy holidays to you and yours.
I know when its your time its your time ...I am waiting for my 2nd transplant and I have a lot of antigens in my blood so its takin its time. My sweet husband is going to be a living doner He don't match me but he will give and I will get. Going to be another 6 months or so. God bless my patience. I know what you feel after a transplant and its from 0 to 1000.
Wonderful story...Thankyou for sharing !
what a heart felt story . This show people don’t give up maybe life seem life is full of darkness and then a light shine through and everything changes
Never stop believing I know I’m still waiting for a kidney but my light will shine one day