Had a rough night of sleeping including some cramping and numbness in both arms. I’m a side sleeper so I might have to try something else. Might have to try my back or stomach. I’m not on dialysis but lower back cramping has been a thing, and it hasn’t hit me in a while. Also my neck is still feeling pinched. Feeling a little flustered. Also might be this paper I have to write for school. Really not feeling motivated. I have my last couple tests for the centers I’m trying to list with this Wednesday. I’m glad to have it all done for now. I’m trying to loose some weight as well. Losing overall 50 would put me at a great weight. So I have a bunch of stuff in my head. All in all I’m doing fine but with a side of a few complaints. So the get things done list is growing but I was listening to two things today.
1. Love yourself and show yourself grace
2. Provide yourself with structure and ask God or whoever you look to for the rest.
The Queen