Supporting a loved one on dialysis - Kidney Dialysis

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Supporting a loved one on dialysis

7 Replies

Hi everyone, I'm new here and am wondering if there are any spouses or partners who are currently supporting a loved one on dialysis? My husband has FSGS and is going on 11 years on dialysis, and I'm simply looking for some support and insight into how others have dealt with similar situations. I am trying my best to encourage and care for him, but some days I feel like I'm saying and doing all the wrong things in my attempt to provide hope amid his circumstances. Thanks so much for any insights, stories, or simply hellos!

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7 Replies
Darlenia profile image

Hello TOTW! Nice hearing from you! I'm in your boat, I'm a caregiver to my husband who is on dialysis. We've had a bit of a rough journey. My husband has Diabetes II which led to the kidney damage/failure and now dialysis as of this past June. He has managed to qualify for the transplant list at age 71. We're very mindful that things can quickly change between now and then. A group that is specifically for spouses on Facebook, "Spouses of Dialysis Patients Support Group", may be valuable to you. It's very interactive, informative, and supportive. I enjoy both this site and that site as I like hearing directly from those with kidney issues and I also need direction and support with the caregiving. We're all in the soup together. Hope to hear from you again!

in reply to Darlenia

Hi Darlenia! I really appreciate your reply and that information about the facebook group. I will have to check it out. I'm so sorry to hear about your husband's kidney failure back in June; what amazing news that he qualified for the transplant list! I will be sending prayers that a successful transplant happens sooner than later. Hope you guys continue to be well over these next few months!

NIKNAKSANFORD profile image

nice hearing from you, i take care of my dad who has recently gone on dialysis and no one can help me get him there, and its coming out of my own pocket to pay for transport, how the heck do you get your loved one to dialysis with out selling your home


I’m so sorry to hear that. Have you ever looked into your city’s public transportation for disabled individuals? I would also suggest talking to the social worker at your dad’s clinic- they are going to be the beta resource in terms of knowing what to do to manage transport! Sending peace and support your way.

NIKNAKSANFORD profile image

wow thank you. i wasnt sure anyone would reply. thank you so much

Bronco1964 profile image


Prayers for you to continue to give you strenght in caring for your love ones.

I am one of the daughters that helps my 88 y o mom with her PD. Lots of patience learning the PD machine.

in reply to Bronco1964

Thank you so much for the kind words and prayers. We just switched my husband to at home PD, and it's definitely been a rocky transition– much more hands on than him going into the clinic for hemo, but I know he's relieved to be at home. Very grateful tot know others have been through this, too!

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