Working to get back to 3A, 3B. recent lab eGFR 4.
Ways to lower eGFR: Working to get back to 3A... - Kidney Disease
Ways to lower eGFR
Are you on a CKD diet? Maybe something you ate? Was the blood work done at same Lab?
Yes, labs at the same hospital. I am not on a CKD diet but I have increased fruits and vegetables in my diet and significantly decreased red meat. On my next scheduled lab draw I will make sure not to have any meat 48hrs prior to the test. Thanks
in addition: dring over 2 litters of water a day, reducing your protein intake, stay away from alcohol, exercise regularly, minimize salt intake, control your bp. I am also going to an infraed sauna once every 2 weeks to reduce inflamations and for detox.
Stay away from red meat completely not just a few days ans do all those good things as a life time change. Best of luck.
It depends on what your Labs say...Fruits carry alot of Potassium...if your Potassium is high you want to be careful...Same with foods that are high in Calcium if your Calcium is Stage 4 you most likely will not return to Stage 3 , but it may slow down the decline to Stage 5
I gave up sugar and most processed food, went vegan, lost weight and started exercising a few years ago. My egfr came up from 46 to "over 60", which is all my lab will say if its normal. (I assume you mean improve your eGFR, not lower it). Farxiga is also supposed to improve kidney function. New labs tomorrow. I only have to see one doc annually now, quite a relief from when I had to see a cardiologist, rheumatologist and nephrologist several times a year.
Thanks so much, yes ways to increase eGFR. I believe with weight loss, improved diet and exercise that my eGFR will increase, I have been taking Farxiga for 3 months now, My next scheduled lab is 5/2025. I am considering a purchase of a 6 in 1 kit to check creatinine, eGFR, A1c ,etc., (from Amazon) so that I can check my values in the interim. Again thank you.