Ways to Lower Creatinine levels: I have high... - Kidney Disease

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Ways to Lower Creatinine levels

jeffmensch profile image
21 Replies

I have high levels of Creatinine, which are not reducing, even with changes to my diet and nutrition changes, so are there ANY WAYS to LOWER creatinine levels? I am on blood pressure medication and my BP is normal

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jeffmensch profile image
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21 Replies
orangecity41 profile image
orangecity41NKF Ambassador

You have reached a good forum for information and support for Chronic Kidney Disease. You do not mention if you have been diagnosed with CKD. If you have is best you discuss with a renal dietitian or your nephrologist about appropriate diet that will work for you.

jeffmensch profile image
jeffmensch in reply to orangecity41

I have been diagnosed with Hypertension, on blood pressure medication, creatinine level of 1.87

Praisepraise profile image
Praisepraise in reply to jeffmensch

Hi Jeff, when my creatinine and Bun was challenged my Cardiologist took me off Hydralazine, and Losartan medication as it affects the kidneys. I was put on Carvedilol and Amlodipine. So check your medications source and discuss with doctors. 🌸

Ziggydoodah profile image

Hi JeffI have really high levels too. Nothing seems to reduce it. Im actually going to try some organic flaxseed. I have read a few articles about consuming this on a plant based diet. Obviously do your own research first. All the best

shaun8 profile image

Intermittent fast/ fasting

Transition onto high fruit all day, and salad with a cooked vegetable at night

Have no salt

Have no alcohol

Have no coffee or stimulants

Do daily lemon enemas!

Read the mucusless diet healing system

This is only for someone who is ready to do what it takes, I will offer anyone help you needs it.

Highgfr profile image
Highgfr in reply to shaun8

Hi... was reading your reply. Can you help me understand how fasting and intermittent fasting helps to lower creatinine and is it safe for stage 5 CKD? Thank you ever so much.

shaun8 profile image
shaun8 in reply to Highgfr

Its just giving your body and kidneys a break from constantly working to digest food. Skipping breakfast is a good start. Your body will adapt and it will feel normal in a weeks

Skeptix profile image
Skeptix in reply to shaun8

Breakfast =Break Fast. You've typically just given your system a 12-14 hour overnight break. Your body gets up ready to dump the waste that's been processed and get going on the day. It's natural inclination is to want to eat.

It's going to drive towards peak energy, alertness, ability to concentrate (mid morning or so). Then it's going to take a dip - but it does take another energy, alertness, concentration peak after lunch (lunch providing for that 2nd peak), at which point energy declines over the rest of the day.

If we skip breakfast, we might get used to it - but we can get used to smoking cigarettes and a whole host of other undesirable things. 'Getting used to it' isn't a recommendation in itself.

Skipping breakfast removes the most obvious energy source for that 1st energy peak. Can we still reach that peak and if so, with what energy? Seems to me too that although you could skip breakfast (I have on many occasions, and lunch with it), you are reducing the amount of time you have to get your daily calorie count (and everything else) on board. The calorie count, vitamins, proteins, carbs, etc required for the day remains the same so we must still eat the same amount of food.

Which means your system has less time to process the same amount of food being put into it - since we've chopped maybe 4 hours from the 10-12 hours it has available to do the work. A ca. 40% drop in processing time?

So: reduced time for the system to have to work (sounds good) but there's harder work to be done by the system during that reduced time (doesn't sound so good). Getting on towards twice as hard.

My inclination is to suppose our damaged kidney engine DOESN'T need revving to a higher RPM - even if is for a shorter period during the day.

Confuseddiabetic profile image


Skeptix profile image

As someone in the mirror thread you opened said creatinine isn't the issue (it's not toxic at even CKD level).

Have you got CKD? You could raise your CKD through lifting weights, for example?

jeffmensch profile image

Thank you for all your comments and help

WYOAnne profile image
WYOAnneNKF Ambassador

First, never skip a meal. If concerned about your creatinine, this is a conversation you should be having with your doctor. We are all different.You never mentioned your age? As we get older everyone's creatinine also goes up.

Strenuous exercise, high protein meals, dehydration, uncontrolled BP can all cause your kidneys to not be happy with you and raise your creatinine.

No one is a medical expert on this site. We can only speak from our own experience.

jeffmensch profile image
jeffmensch in reply to WYOAnne

Mid 50's - kidney doctor never gave me simple answers to lower creatinine

shaun8 profile image
shaun8 in reply to WYOAnne

Why never skip a meal?

WYOAnne profile image
WYOAnneNKF Ambassador

Skipping a meal can put added stress on your body. Stressing your body = stressing your kidneys. Anyway, that is what my nephrologist has told me. Many people do the mini-fast diet, where you only eat like from 10 am - 6:00 pm and nothing before or after. My doc said that is not the same as missing a meal.

Porter20 profile image
Porter20 in reply to WYOAnne

My doctor encouraged fasting to give the body a rest and help blood sugar and keep down lbs.

Everybody is different!

chicablue profile image

In over 26 years of being a CKD patient, I only lowered my creatinine levels once, when I lost 15 lbs. I read the other comments about breakfast and am speechless about that because I never have eaten breakfast and probably never will. I just have coffee when I get up, and I refuse to give that up! About the comment that if you skip breakfast, you eat more at a later meal, I do not. I have a snack around 3pm and a small dinner around 7-8. I have never had an appetite in the morning!

RDVR profile image

A friend of mine asked me to try "Renadyl" a probiotic. Please check with your doctor. renadyl.com

Darlenia profile image

It's great you're focusing on your health. Sadly, sometimes there isn't a quick fix. If a proven remedy to lower creatinine existed for everyone, everyone would likely be on it. Creatinine is highly specific to the underlying cause - whether it's high blood pressure, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, acute injuries, and more. However, when the underlying cause is addressed, creatinine can respond in a good way. Sure, there are a few generalized things that can be helpful such staying well hydrated, engaging in moderate, not heavy, exercise, and such. But, the most important thing is to seek honest and direct advice from a trusted professional on your team who knows your profile. Narrow the possibilities to those that are the best fit for you. And that would give you the best road map to your slowing or halting further decline in your kidney function as reflected in your labs.

RoxanneKidney profile image

Creatinine is just a marker. Trying to lower it, it fruitless. Even if you drink a lot of water and get a lower number, the underlying issue will still be there. Consider it a motivator to keep working out, eating right, and taking your medication....or doing whatever else is in your control.

RoxanneKidney profile image

I just want to add that if you are not eating any meat, your creatinine will drop too. But that does not mean that your problems are solved. And I recently discovered that chicken and beef broth especially homemade ones, have a ton of creatinine that will affect your levels...but again, only a marker.

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