Hello, my name is Ionel and I am new to this forum. I have a chronic kidney disease, stable for years with creatinine 1.09 mg/dl. Since March, I have been suspected of having IGA nephropathy, I have not had a biopsy yet. I lose proteins, approximately 500-700 mg/24h, red blood cells 15-15 hpf. In February, serum creatinine 1.09, I was given prestarium (perindopril arginine) and forxiga ((SGLT2) treatment. I took prestarium 0.25 mg daily, forxiga 1 tablet every 2-3 days. In April, creatinine increased to 1.16 mg/dl. From In April, I was given rosucard statins, prestarium 0.25 mg daily, and I take forxiga every 2-3 days, as well as statin. On June 20, the creatinine is 1.16 mg.dl. I saw that the creatinine has increased, but it is maintained within laboratory limits, I started taking forxiga one day, the next day I took rosucard statin, daily prestarium 0.25 mg. On July 1, serum creatinine jumped from 1.16 mg/dl to 1.26 mg/dl at the same laboratory with the same method. determination, jumping from values (0.73-1.18mg/dl). What happened, my kidney function decreased in 2 weeks, or maybe it's because of the drugs, forxiga and statin, that I took forxiga one day, the next day statin and daily prestarium? Has it happened to anyone that the creatinine fluctuates by 10% in just 2 weeks? Is it because of the drugs or has the kidney function deteriorated? I'm afraid to redo the serum creatinine analysis!
Variations in serum creatinine 10% in 2 weeks - Kidney Disease
Variations in serum creatinine 10% in 2 weeks

Personally I have no related experience, sorry. But, if no-one else with IGA neuropathy comments, maybe worth comparing notes with rere96 who also posted on it today.
"In some individuals, it’s possible to experience kidney injury or reduced kidney function when taking SGLT2 inhibitors." From Healthline. There is nothing more posted on this subject there. I looked at a couple of pubmed studies on creatinine variation in individuals but couldn't figure them out, only that creatinine does vary within an individual, having to do with hydration, protein consumption, time of day.
Anyway, you don't seem to have enough information to figure out whether or not the SGLT2 inhibitors are causing this drop. Another blood test seems called for, if that is possible in your situation. I'd think your doc would want to know too, if the drugs are harming you as an individual. Its not clear whether your kidneys will recover if the drugs are causing this.