Was diagnosed with diabetic nephropathy(CKD 2)..last year 2021. February.. Initially,my egfr was a low of 19%...was referred to agakhan hospital, Mombasa, Kenya,..where after treatment,my egfr improved to 65.9%...After several check ups,my egfr stood at 80(for other races) and 93.9(for black race) and all parameters were within the normal range,with creatine at 93 during my last check up last month,March 2022..My LDL cholesterol levels a little bit high at 4.0914 against an upper ceiling of 3.4...my HBA1C was at 8.6% against a range of 4.0-6.5..urine test initial showed+1 and trace amount..but later urine tests gave nill protein..Am worried of the disease progression...Some people are saying it's not possible to stop progression of CKD caused by diabetes.. Anyone who can give me more information about diabetic nephropathy and whether it's impossible to stop it's progrssion.
Have started renal diet by taking more plant based foods,managed my diabetes within the normal ranges,started lifestyle changes, daily walking among others..Have lost a lot of weight from 86kg(December 2021) to 74kg(April 2022).
Please, advice me.
Thanks in advance.
Mwachibwago from Kenya