well i have lupus. i've been tested on and off ... i get tested couple of days ago and my urine test for protein says i have 0.3g/L . so it's flagged as HI because it's not <0.3. my eGFR was 91 or 96 and now 79. i was taking extra whey protein so i've cut down on that. and cutting down on sodium. not on plaquenil but i want to get on that. just trying to read and find out what is the best move to make.
hello, any advice would be nice. - Kidney Disease
hello, any advice would be nice.
Hi . protein in urine can be sign of infection, stress or dehydration. Your GFR though it's gone down a bit is still normal. Are you normally under a Kidney team ?
hey, no kidney team. i got a rheumatologist and family physician looking into things. my specific gravity is 1.027 which equals mild dehydration. i'm going to redo the tests next week and see if the additional protein and dehydration caused this. the 79 is normal but i'm looking at the trend, it was 91 about a 14 months ago.
thanks hope you are well.
Hi. I have Lupus and my rheumy tests my kidney function every three months. I take 300mg of plaquenil which is a pretty safe and mild drug and I have encountered no side effects and have been on it for 6 years. It is slow acting so you will not notice improvement until 6 months minimum. I am also on 200mg of benlysta subcutaneous injections. Not sure it those are making a difference but I have been taking them for almost 3 years now. Only recently my GFR has gone from 90s to 80s and since last year June fluctuates between 68-78. Never had protein in urine though at least so far. I would suggest have bloods and urine drawn more often at least twice a year. Plaquenil is also a good starting point for meds. My rheumy says as far as the GFR he is more concerned if my Creatinine goes over 1.2. It has steadily increased from 0.8 to 1.0 as the GFR decreases.
i think you should ask to see a kidney specialist at the very least. i'm now going to be tested every two months to monitor the kidneys. you rheumy doesn't sound so good to me. i would be looking for someone else. the GFR is calculated using the creatinine so it's basically the same thing. so the doctor is saying he isn't worried until your GFR goes down into the low 60's or high 50's. the trend is things are getting worse and the answer is just wait until they get even worse??? makes no sense to me. have you changed your diet???
My diet used to be really good which probably kept it in the normal range but recently I’d say last couple years my diet pretty bad. I’m now trying to do a pretty much vegan diet with some fish no sodium and no sugar. I’m hoping this will help. My rheumy doesn’t get overly concerned with things. I do though so that’s why I also go to California and see Dr. Daniel Wallace however with COVID I have not seen him in awhile.
Sorry to hear, it’s good to be proactive regardless of your higher eGFR. That test heavily relies on creat, and that’s definitely a big one to watch. I see yours is about 1.0, so no nsaids, little preserved meats like cold cuts or sausage and such. Best to you, may that Lupus go into remission / not worsen!