My husband has chronic kidney disease plus other health issues, mainly because he had septicemia 2011 and again a couple of other times, he broke his ankle 1999 and had pins and rod inserted that was never removed. He has lymphoedema in that leg. It's always a constant battle, but now his kidney specialist is baffled why the protein has increased so rapidly. He thinks my husband's heart is starting to fail, which just means it's not working as well as it should. Is there any quick way to reduce the protein? We eat healthy, as I have health issues as well. My husband can't tolerate red meat, we mainly have small portions of fish and chicken, lots of veg. We are both diabetic type 2. Just trying to do our best. Cardiologist app in September, until then he has been put on heart med , can't remember name, as we haven't picked it up yet. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Take care. Moni
Any advice on reducing protein in urine - Kidney Disease
Any advice on reducing protein in urine

First action is to reduce diet protein intake and you did. Most effective drugs for proteinuria are ACE inhibitors but I believe most likely you had already. Recent new SGLT showed high capacity to slow CKD. As always kidney function and progression need to be assessed having entire blood and 24h urine panel. Guess you need to refer a nephrologist. All the best
We nephrologist again after cardiologist, my husband does exercise bike 30 min nearly every day. As I say, we are trying our best. If we have chicken, it's half a chicken breast each. Thank you for your reply. Take care. Moni
Hang in there. Stay motivated. I know when I am cheating on my diet yesterday my fingers are swelled up and I have a slight headache. We really have to be strict with ourselves just to feel good.
My husband hurt his back in April, so skipped exercise for a while. We do see dietitian and try to follow what they say. His long range sugars are 6.2. He is stage 3 a CKD. He has had trouble getting his Ozempic, we are in Australia, all pharmacies ran out because Ozempic used for weight loss. Once he went without it for 7 weeks. Ozempic is diabetic injection.
Ozempic is also a new diabetic drug and very good or CKD, too. I do not understand why they are having such shipping issues, but it is worldwide. I am on it and fortunately have not had the issue, Yet. I went form an A1c of all the way up to 9.2 to the current one of 5.6. Keep on it if you can get it. It is a prescription only drug, not something you can get on the internet.

I agree with Tolmezzo. His doctor should look into the new SGLT inhibitors. My husband is on one and it is helping his CKD, which his GFR went up 5 points this last lab, his cardiac issues, cardiologist was very pleased with his labs and last exam, and his diabetes, which is being maintained much better and his A1c has gone down. Talk to them about it. And get a referral to a dietician. That can make a big difference. Even if it is just to suggest ways to improve what you are already doing.
I'm I n more trouble than your husband. It's necessary to read the labels on every thing he eats because just about he eats has protein in it. I had the same thing happen to me last year so I started looking at how much protein I'm taking in and saw where the extra protein was coming from. I hope when I have bloodwork tomorrow it will lower this problem. I pray that he has good results!
High quality omega 3 as well as flaxseed and use only coconut oil and quality butter for oils. (like irish butter)
All good comments to think about. Do your best and try not to be so hard on yourself. When you have done all you know to do, just rest. You can deal with more when you know more.
Nephrologist did, we pick it up today, pharmacy phoned and questioned it. Hopefully he won't have problems with it .
Here, prescription get sent straight to pharmacy, so don't know name. Nephrologist is top hospital doctor, I'm sure he has done this before. We will get more information from pharmacy today. Thank you.

Do not wait if this what the doctors order.... for heaven's sake. They check with each other and the pharmacist will check also. No offence Fat Buddy, but you are not a doctor and should not be prescribing, diagnosing or telling a patient to not take a medicine if ordered. Sheesh!
They are for my heart, I've been talking about my husband. I have my own set of problems, but I'm his carer.
Wow. You are doing well, I'm sure it's been a lot of hard work as well. No one wants to start on heart journey, we all want to live pain free. Take care. Moni
My cardiologist told me in 2011 to get my affairs in order, only a matter of time, I am trying my best to prove him wrong.
He basically said that it was only a matter of time before unrepairable heart attack or stroke. Unfortunately despite keeping cholesterol low, I continue to clot. 5 stents so far, last one in Feb. I have written my end of life paperwork which the hospital has and also gp. At 56 it wasn't easy to do. But now 67 and still fighting. Before I had my first heart attack, there was no family history of heart problems.
Thank you for sharing that information, we barely leave our town in Australia, let alone travel to India. We are pensioners living on tight income. Thank you for your reply. Moni