Good morning! Can anyone tell me how long an AKI lasts and whether, after a certain length of time, it becomes Chronic Kidney Disease!? I had a heart attack 2 months ago and required Angiography & stenting. A week or so later, it was found that I had suffered an AKI due to the contrast dye used during the Angio process. My creatinine was up at 2.3 and my GFR down to 22. I was put on a very low protein diet and, over a few weeks, the levels have gradually improved. Latest readings are creatinine 1.31 & Gfr 45. Where does that leave me now! will I still be in AKI status and until when? My other concern is that I am due another Angiogram and possible stents soon. Will the same thing happen? I'd appreciate it if anyone can shed any light or has been through similar. Thank you x
AKI ... Contrast Induced: Good morning! Can... - Kidney Disease
AKI ... Contrast Induced
In that situation I would be very fearful of further contrast. I believe one contrast is preferable to another where reduced kidney function is concerned (can’t remember the names) but if it were me I would be hot- footing it to a nephrologist for some advice and answersto your questions. I’ve learned from my personal experience to have MRIs/CT scans without contrast.
Hi. I had AKI last year, not severe enough to be hospitised, after severe reactions to a prescribed drug last summer. I think mine may have been due to severe dehydration due to a chronic diarrhea as a result of the medication. My results improved slowly over a couple of months and I've not had them checked recently and like you remain anxious. They are nearly in the normal range now but it's not 'my' normal. My GP told me it should come back down when it first happened and from what I've read AKI is very different to CKD which happens over months and years. I remain hopeful as in AKI the reasons for the problem are very different to the reasons for CKD and the kidneys apparently can recover. I try and take some reassurance from that. The fact your results show an improvement must be a good sign your kidneys are recovering but like you I'm playing a waiting game.
It appears to me, from my research of the scientific articles on Google, that the duration of contrast-induced-acute kidney injury (CI-AKI) and when it becomes chronic kidney disease (CKD) depends on many factors. One scientific article stated:
"CA-AKI is a generally reversible form of AKI, although its development may be associated with adverse outcomes [1-11]. (See "Kidney and patient outcomes after acute kidney injury in adults".)!
Where there are many factors involved, I would suggest that you have this conversation with your nephrologist.
As a kidney transplant recipient when I have had to have an x-ray using contrast, my nephrologist has me drink a lot of water the day before the test and then continue several days after. He also runs my renal labs about 2 weeks after the test. You could talk with your cardiologist regarding what happened last time and see if he can't help and make suggestions. Maybe some IV fluids would help. You want to get the contrast out of your system as soon as possible.
Best of luck.