COVID-19 Lifestyle: Hello all! I just... - Kidney Disease

Kidney Disease

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COVID-19 Lifestyle

shpar profile image
13 Replies

Hello all!

I just wanted to reach out to everyone here and see how they’re doing throughout this pandemic? As people dealing with CKD, we are at risk to worsen our conditions because of this virus and I wanted to check in to see how this has impacted your lifestyle and make sure everyone is doing alright.

Hope everyone is staying safe!

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shpar profile image
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13 Replies

Staying masked when going out for doctor appointments, labs, and scripts. All of my travel plans for this summer and next spring and summer have been postponed.

Lots of reading, movies on cable, and yard work occupy my indoor activities.

Everyone take care and vote when you can.

Jayhawker profile image

I’ve been staying inside other than when I walk around my neighborhood. I mask up, social distance, and wash my hands... basically I only leave my house gif labs and doctors’ appointments. My meds are delivered directly up my front door. My groceries, et al, are delivered by instacart. I’ve taken a few virtual vacations, one to Germany and the other to Scotland. More recently I’ve served as a volunteer with one of the presidential campaigns.


Bassetmommer profile image
BassetmommerNKF Ambassador

I guess I am a rebel. My husband and I and my step daughter just spent a week in the 1000 Islands at our favorite resort. It usually is quiet this time of year normally, which is why we choose this time every year. Not to be this year. I guess every one had the same idea. So we spent much time in our private rooms or on our balcony over the River or taking car rides. We have been so often that we have done all the boat tours and tourist things. We discover a lot of changes. There were a few shops in Alex Bay and Clayton that never opened. Our favorite pottery shop is being sold as the artist is retiring because she is immune suppressed and does not want to be with people. So no more of my dishes will ever be made. The wineries still do tastings, but very limited. We ate early so that we avoided crowds or ate in the room. The Nature Center was partially closed. And the Guzzle, was only doing window service so we never ate there....which is a tradition.

I could not believe the people. Some wore masks, others nope. We stayed away as much as we could by not shopping like we usually do. Fortunately, the people in the resort were all doing the tourist things so we had the pool to ourselves one afternoon.

It was very off kilter trip, but relaxing. I love the River.

FlowerPreciousLover profile image
FlowerPreciousLover in reply to Bassetmommer

Always read your posts with interest, Bassetmommer, and this one about "everyone having the same idea" was like my daughter's attempt in March to schedule a summer private houseboat vacation for the family. Imagine her surprise to be told they were booked up until the summer of 2021! The family is now booked for 2021. laughing.

Instead, they opted for a within a day's drive of a vacation home rental and enjoyed the outdoor hot tub and lovely nearby hiking trails.

The pandemic has so changed what we've all taken for granted in the past. I'm sorry you'll not be able to add to your pottery dish collection but glad that although this trip so differed from those in the past, you found pleasure and relaxation by going.

OVERPAR profile image

Being a vulnerable person with CKD has had a major impact on my lifestyle during the panoramic. For the last 5 months I have worked at home and the only time I have gone out is for my dialysis. Luckily both my children have looked after myself and my wife and arranged for food to be delivered. I am also fortunate my house has a garden so I can sit out when the sun is shining! Unfortunately I can see this lifestyle continuing until a vaccine is developed.

drmind profile image

I've stayed at home mostly but wear masks for all medical and lab appts. However, I did venture out (with a mask) duriny these last few weeks to do some grocery shopping. Before I had been doing mostly pickups at the stores. My son has an apartment in the back of my house and my daughter and her family live next door. So, i have lots of family around. My days are busy mostly taking care of the house and making lunch or.dinner for my 10 year old grandson to help out while my daughter works at home. He and I talk over the fence in the back yard and a few weeks ago, he asked if I could bake him some of the rolls I used to make. So, I include lunch or dinner with those rolls almost every day. Other activities involve watching some interesting tv movies, trying out new recipes, playing online scrabble with friends, texting family in other states, and walking if the weather permits. Although covid19 has caused a disruption in everyone's lives, some more than others, I'm grateful for what I have and feel fortunate to be able to adjust.

PS. I also spend a good part of my day charting my food and trying to find the phosphorus levels in food!!

Continue to stay safe everyone and remember to vote on a few months. Love

FlowerPreciousLover profile image
FlowerPreciousLover in reply to drmind

drmind, I too enjoy trying recipes and was happy when my daughter recently asked for my mother's bran rolls recipe. It is a simple recipe but like me, they depend on home delivery for groceries. While other ingredients came as ordered, after several attempts, she received yeast for pizzas instead of the requested Fleischmann's original dry yeast! She put the 15 and 10yr olds to finding and trying a pizza recipe and said it was edible but "interesting". We can only imagine, yes???

For my birthday, she sent a wonderful Shutterfly photo and inscription book of the family's 2019-2020 "adventures". One page was devoted to the process and results of her first successful attempt at her beloved Mom-Moms homemade rolls. With a bit of phone coaching, they turned out well.

Like you, I am thankful for mine and their continuing health and add to my daily gratitude list the things I no longer take for granted but appreciate having during this uncertain time.

As a senior, I have received my request for a mail-in ballot and it has been returned. My children live in Colorado which has conducted safely mail-in votes for years.

I found a great site listing the requirements by states which I copied and shared with other friends and acquaintances because rules differ by state. Will look it up and post for the convenience of others who may be uncertain of what is required. Voting is so important and both a right and privilege for the U.S. Hope all will who are registered will vote this year.

shpar profile image

Glad to hear everyone is staying positive and some even venturing out!

I’ve been working from home since March. My fiancé is living with her mom since she’s a nurse and works with Covid patients so for the foreseeable future we see other socially distanced and hang out in the parks etc. I’m at my parents for the time being and fortunate to have their support.

Otherwise trying to keep a positive mindset. I agree with @Overpar, it does seem that until a vaccine is developed we’re going to continue in a COVID-19 world.

orangecity41 profile image
orangecity41NKF Ambassador

I live in a retirement community and under CDC restrictions. Basically I wear a mask whenever go out. Supposed to avoid crowds of over 10 people, and do social distancing. I get out to walk. Use grocery pick up. Do go to Medical appointments. Catch up on reading. Go to a Zoom meeting for a group belong to.

Darlenia profile image

We've been staying busy. My husband entered ESRD so dialysis was implemented in June. Because of this, we're in the car a lot, going from appointments to appointments as we transition from HD to PD, get tests done for a potential transplant, etc. And we've gotten comfortable eating in deli's, running to pharmacies, grabbing groceries on the run. Much to our surprise, during an out-patient procedure done under anesthesia for a PD catheter, my husband wound up with the inability to urinate (POUR-apparently quite common for men and women-check it out) so that required more emergency trips and another catheter. So he's dealing with three caths, although we expect to downsize to just the PD catheter. And, true to form, my husband continues to work in his home office. And we both walk and use fitness videos when possible.

When we're out and about, we always exercise care...wearing masks, using sanitizer everywhere. So far, so good. We often wonder what happened to those who suffered kidney failure issues when hospitals were largely inaccessible. Did people pass away? And we wonder, too, if the aftermath of Covid will increase the demand for more kidney transplants. But, yes, we've put our fears away for our greater good. And are looking toward the future! At the moment, I'm sitting here wondering why Davita/Baxter doesn't put a price tag on luggage (cycler storage) they sell for travel. Hmm....I'm assuming it's like those fancy restaurant menus...that wipe out your bank account after you order. Yikes. Yes, we intend to travel sooner than later! Lol.

KidneyCoach profile image
KidneyCoachNKF Ambassador

Hi everyone, you all seem to be adapting as is necessary.

I think most of us of course spend more time at home and/or with family which is nice. We moved here close to Nashville to be closer to our soldier son, then he was sent to Korea and re-posted? to Texas. Since then he has medically retired. He had 4 tours to Afghanistan, 1 to Kuwait, 1 to Korea. He was in 82nd Airborne then 101st Airborne. He and his wife and 2 children moved to Missouri. They just found a decent house closer to them we are looking at buying there and selling here. Then we will be within 100 miles of 4 of our 5 children and all 12 grandchildren which thrills me to no end.

Of course there is much preparation in regards to dialysis, support clinic, nephrologist, endocrinologist, vascular surgeon, cardiologist, podiatrist, eye doctor, rheumatologist, pain specialist, primary care. We will need some upgrades, flooring, painting, a few repairs done and new appliances. The good thing is we have family within a few miles and they can help so much. Then there are banks, utilities, veterinarian and other things to consider. When we moved here 5 years ago, we bought the house sight unseen (our son went and took videos). We financed through the owner and went from home to home in 2 weeks. It was a whirlwind. I don't have that much energy these days. We hope it will work out for the best.

I do telemedicine for all appointments except see my nephrologist every 3 months. Dialysis continues as a lifestyle. I've been doing this so long, I know nothing different. Using masks when going out is no big deal as we use them at hook-up/take-off for dialysis. We are very used to them. I've designed lots and lots of cloth masks. I made one for hubby with a little devil on it because he is one, LOL. I've made lots of ones about dialysis, transplant etc as that is my passion

We haven't really gone anywhere or done anything but doctors, pharmacy. Hubby does all the shopping and is a good errand runner. I do all the logistics of the house, like paying bills, arranging appointments, refill meds, vet apps for furries, make lists and so I keep pretty busy. If we do move I will be able to return to all my volunteering. Well, maybe not all as I will be having too much fun with the grandkids.

Wishing you well and safe, strong and loved. Blessings

Darlenia profile image

I hear you about "not having much energy" for relocations. We, too, intend to move from our larger family a very small chalet in the mountains. My hubby and I have lots of depression glass, big china sets...all inherited. And nobody wants them. Sigh. The downsizing and repairs is for young folks! I'm sure you'll enjoy seeing and playing with your grandchildren. But please stay active here, too. We rely on your sage advice.

Jamok profile image

My husband and I have been pretty sheltered still thus far. He is able to work remotely. We get curbside pick up for groceries and recently started ordering take out at a couple of our favorite local restaurants. We’ve only gotten together outside in our yard with our adult children a few times and not at all with extended family. We go on bike rides and walk the dog. I’m at 15% function and I probably have at least 2 more years wait on the transplant list and am concerned that if I get Covid my kidneys would fail. I also have sarcoidosis which affects my lungs. My husband has been really good about staying sheltered with me but I can tell it is getting to him.

We see so many around us just going about their lives as if Covid barely exists and they seem to be ok so we wonder if we are being overly cautious. I would love to get my haircut and colored or eat outside at a restaurant once in a while or actually go shopping.

We have talked about a road trip to the Smokey mountains or maybe just renting a lake house in Wisconsin or Michigan but I’m not sure how safe I feel about that.

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