Diagnosed with hydronephrosis with upj obstruction (congenital), I am in my 50's . Nuclear scan showed 100% function on left 0% on right. Had stent put in to see if there would be any kidney function. New scan showed 20 % function in right. Do doctors repair kidneys with 20% function?
One kidney has low function: Diagnosed with... - Kidney Disease
One kidney has low function

Hmm I don't know for sure but you could ask them.
Hello Clermont! Truthfully, I personally have never heard of any situation regarding kidney issues that doctors have actually been able to repair, but that’s just me talking. I suppose, depending on an individual’s specific issue with their kidney function, it could be a possibility, but that’s something you would need to discuss with your nephrologist, in order to know for sure. I will say this though, I certainly wish they could! Lol! Just imagine how wonderful it would be to never have to worry about dialysis, or bland renal diets, and how much fluid to drink in a day! Lol!
Once again, try to speak to your doctor(s) about it. Perhaps it is a possibility for you. I certainly hope it is and I will be praying for you, dear. Please do keep us posted on your results. All my best, and God bless. 🙏😊👍
I have also never heard of doctors repairing a kidney but it seems your other kidney is healthy? In general, we only need one kidney to live, which is why a healthy person with two healthy kidneys can donate one and still live a perfectly healthy normal life. "Share your spare" as many say in the living donation community. The remaining kidney will often increase a bit in size to make up for the loss in kidney function. There are people who are born with only one kidney and it's not an issue. In fact, a friend didn't know she only had one kidney until she had a C-section and doctors said by the way, did you know you only had one kidney? It had never affected her health negatively.
Of course the question is whether or not the cause of your poorly functioning kidney will affect your healthy one also. I'm not a health professional and as always, you should check with your nephrologist.
Clermont, I am extremely encouraged to learn that you regained 20% function in your hydronephrotic kidney! My 22 year old son just learned his hydronephrotic left kidney has zero function and was told that it likely will never regain any function. He also has a UPJ obstruction (initially suspected 8 years ago at age 14, while he still had full function in the left kidney, but then they said the obstruction had cleared - clearly it did not.) I tried to PM you but was unable. You say your UPJ obstruction was likely congenital - do you have any idea how long your right kidney was at zero function?