I have,with my stage 3 ckd, slight COPD. I now have a case of bronchitis. Should I get an antibiotic or just cough through it? Thanks
Question: I have,with my stage 3 ckd, slight... - Kidney Disease

Hello Cathy, if it’s a mild cough and you are ok with eating honey, taking a tsp of honey with 1/4th tsp ginger juice (grate and squeeze), a basil leaf and pepper powder works very well. A recent study published in NYT also shows that honey is a good remedy for cough: mobile.nytimes.com/2018/04/...
Other things that help are nasal saline solution to clean the air ways and taking turmeric with a table spoon of luke warm almond milk or any other milk or fat source every night.
Of course only if this is a mild cough. Hope this helps. All the best.
Definitely see a doctor! With COPD you don't want to take the chance that it becomes pneumonia!
I am thinking you have already been in contact with your doctor on this added dilemma .If you are under their care then just ask the medical staff if there is a easy way to make things more comfortable for you. Not all bronchitis is bacterial,so if it is a virus you will have to use some home remedies. Lots of sleep, good eating habits and exercise. You only get antibiotics if it is bacterial . Hope this helps.
I had a cold which turned into bronchitis and lasted about 5 weeks. I didn't think I needed antibiotics, but my doctor said since it wasn't clearing up I should take them. It cleared up after taking them, but my body was left in a state of inflamation for several months after. Joints that hadn't hurt in years were hurting. My GFR dropped by 10 points during that time. Nip it in the bud as soon as possible. Not sure if that means antibiotics for you or not. That's a conversation with your doctor. Hope you feel better soon.
Thank u so much. I am taking antibiotics now and doing better but having severe muscle weakness and GFR dropped to 31. Has anyone had the GFR drop like that when sick and what causes the muscle weakness? I appreciate all the answers and help. U r all in my prayers. Sometimes a few days r hard then try to pick ourselves up and be positive and not complain. I know u all have issues too much bigger than mine but please know I will be praying for u all and thank u for being here on my dark days
You could ask your Doctor about Cheracol with Codeine (cough syrup) It's a prescription but my friend swears by it. You can google for more info. Stage 3 CKD also, but I'd try it. Hope this helps.
As Zazzel mentioned egfr can drop in such an episode. Hang in there, Cathy Praying for you🙏🙏I believe in doing. Simple home remedies along with allopathic medicines. So for any joint pain I find that applying and massaging with sesame oil helps. So does drinking turmeric with any milk source and ginger tea. Sesame, turmeric and ginger all have anti inflammatory properties. Of course this should only be done along with any other mainstream treatment or in consultation with your doctor. Best wishes.

Hi Cathy,
You are on the right path to nip this in the bud; especially with the warm weather coming.
Lots of tea and rest. Feel it was a good idea that you saw your doctor.
Sending you healing thoughts and prayers.🙏