Is it possible to be on dialysis at 50% ? I have a friend telling me I should have been on it already.
Dialysis Question: Is it possible to be on... - Kidney Disease
Dialysis Question

No you definitely don't need dialysis at 50% renal function. Most people start when it falls below 10%. I'm currently at 7% and still not on dialysis. Not sure where you got your information but you are million miles away have good renal function in the scheme of things.
No. I'm at 18% and not on dialysis. Listen to your nephrologist and dietitian. I've had some friends and family playing "Dr. Google" too. Hang in there!
Thank You JenN18, It is so frustrating Not having someone to talk to about this, My best friend will shut me down when I bring it up, but will listen to other people, My husband wont discuss it with me. ( I guess it will make it real for him) So I usually just keep it to myself for the most part.
RJ68, sorry to hear this. I hope you find someone that will listen. My wife and I never worried about it when I was Stage III, because it didn’t seem real to either of us since I was active, physically fit and didn’t feel/notice it’s impact. But I will say once you hit 20% or below, your husband needs to talk about it with you, because this is the time when you can ask to be listed. Because at this point it is real, you have to consider a lot of things in life. This includes trying to find a living donor, sharing your story with friends and family, planning of doctor visits, being more vigilant with taking care of yourself to avoid dialysis, and getting out and enjoying life as much as you can. There also needs to be shared duties, and what I mean by that is having your partner step up and do more in order to conserve your energy for the more important moments in your life that you two want and need to do together. An example will be my wife telling me to stop doing certain chores around the house so I can have more energy for family events later in the day. Granted it may frustrate me in the moment because I know I can do it, but if we have something planned for later she is right about conserving energy. If you don’t talk about it, resentment may build and it’ll bring you down emotionally. Not to say that there won’t be days where you are beyond tired and it brings you down, but there are more good days than bad days even if you ever reach End Stage. Wish you and your husband the best!
I am 24 % and not on dialysis. Listen to your nephrologist and dietician, some days are really bad , and when you get infections all the time like me and the itching , aches and pains and the specialist says no not yet
Hi RJ68. Thank you for reading my posts. It sounds like the other replies have said it all. The one thing I will say is you are the patient. If you don't understand something that the doctor says tell him to explain it in simple english. I have done that. You are in charge because it is your body. Write questions down and bring them to appointments. I also keep track on my computer all tests that are done, bloodwork, if on medicine keep a med list. Update these lists when there is a change or new test done and print it off to bring to the doctors. It really helps when you see a new doctor and you don't have to rack your brain when they ask if you had a procedure done. Plus I have had 2 different doctors want the same test.
Thank you again for reading my post.
Take care.
Thank you ddwebangel. That's good advice. I will do that.
I started dialysis at8%, was off dialysis for 7 weeks while I had a fistula firmed, was at 6% during this time but my blood was tested each eeek to ensure I was ok. Everyone is different but usually start at 10%, just talk with your consultant and not liason to all those “experts”
Once on dialysis it agsin can be different for everybody and providing there are no other complications life can be “normal” again. Listen to your medical team and have a positive outlook and ignore all the other voices and life will be good again.