Causes of a gain?: Hi Weight Loss people... - Weight Loss Support

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Causes of a gain?

Beth5 profile image
19 Replies

Hi Weight Loss people,

Just wanted to sound out if anyone could help with suggestions as to causes of a gain (apart from huge amounts of cheating)? I've been following Weightwatchers since the first week of Jan and have had steady weight loss. Until this week... on 1 day I was pretty bad as was out for dinner with a friend but stayed within my weekly points allowance but somehow gained 1.5lb.

I went to the gym 3 days of the week and was still walking for 30 minutes per day even without the gym sessions.

I'm struggling to think of reasons for this gain so thought I'd throw it out there to the community and was wondering if anyone had had a similar experience! My small amount of confidence in my ability to shift 3.5 stone has been seriously knocked...

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Beth5 profile image
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19 Replies

Hi Beth5,

A million and one reasons can change your body's ability to store fat and to burn fat. Just some of the more common ones are alcohol, stress, sleeplessness, infections (like a cold or virus), levels of activity, if your body is having to do more 'work' to maintain your body temperature, etc., etc.

And anyhow your body weight goes up and down during the day and that variance can be by as much as a kg (2.2 lbs).

Don't worry about it - just keep riding the weight loss bus.

Don't fret about 'blips', just keep dealing with the trend. If the trend isn't downwards, then slightly reduce your calorie intake and/or increase your activity level.

To be honest, weighing living human beings is a bit of a clumsy mechanism, but it IS an easy one for most people to access and it does give you a trend so that you can see whether you are gaining or losing body fat.

Other methods such as body fat measurements with calipers or scans are much more complicated, expensive and a right palava!

Beth5 profile image
Beth5 in reply to

Thanks Doikosp, thanks for the suggestions. I'm going to cut back on the weekly points to the kick-start level of 26 per day and make sure I get to the gym every morning this week. I'll have to look at the points you make about stress and sleeplessness as that might be part of it.

Could it be due to where you are in your menstrual cycle. I always struggle to lose weight at certain times of the month.

Beth5 profile image
Beth5 in reply to

Thanks Tubbytii, I'll have a bit of a dig on that see if it gives any further clues! In the meantime I guess I should just chalk it up as experience and try harder this week...

UncleMo profile image

I'm not on a diet at the moment only about 5lbs overweight. However when I was dieting, I'm sure weather conditions effected my weight; when air pressure is low, wet and windy, my weight is just just that 2 or 3 lbs less than the previous day when it was sunny and high air pressure. A couple of days eating moderately, nothing excessive, the next morning a gain of nearly 3lbs, now that's not fair; AND... the weather had turned sunny!

Beth5 profile image
Beth5 in reply to UncleMo

Thanks UncleMo, I'll pay attention to the conditions and see how I get on.

Elaineanne profile image

Hi ye I'm on weight watchers too my first weigh in will be thur I've hit the scales already and they tell me I've lost half a pound which I think is bad as I've not cheated not done any exersice though ever so maybe it will be muscle you've gained and that weighs more than fat so keep up the good work will let you know how I do thur do you know if it's ok if you don't eat all the recommended points ? I struggle to use all 26 a day plus the 49 extra for the week .

Beth5 profile image
Beth5 in reply to Elaineanne

Thanks Elaineanne, hope that your first weigh-in goes well! I look forward to your update. My understanding of the program is that you shouldn't be below 26 points per day but think the 49 weekly points are to let you have s but of flexibility during the week. I usually manage tostick to my daily allowance but it's nice to have the flexibility to have a glass of wine or a bit of chocolate if you have a rough day!

Elaineanne profile image

Thanks Beth5 for the info will let you know thur ye I think I may have a glass of wine thur after weigh in

Elaineanne profile image

Thanks Beth5 for the info will let you know thur ye I think I may have a glass of wine thur after weigh in

Beth5 profile image
Beth5 in reply to Elaineanne

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you Elaineanne, get your favourite wine in to celebrate your first week's success, I'm sure you'll do really well!

ratbag24 profile image

Hi,Beth5, i am also doing WW and so far have lost 30ib but not feeling very positive lately as last week i put on a !ib and only lost a pound the week before. The only things i did differently last week was i didn't track and didn't exercise at all, so now i have calmed down, i have decided to attribute it to that. I did want to scream at the leader last week though. I promptly informed my partner that their scales must have been wrong LOL. So this week, so far i have run for 4 days and done a bums and tums class, i am so hoping it shows on the scales or i might scream. It is so difficult when you feel so bloody good but the scales don't reflect it. I think i am just expecting too much of myself at the moment as i am getting married in 12 weeks and really need the weight loss.

I hope you have better luck this next week, i'm sure u will xx

Beth5 profile image
Beth5 in reply to ratbag24

Thanks ratbag24,

See that we're both trying the same approach, been in the gym and have re-started Couch to 5K after recovering from an injury Mon and today, plan to run on Friday did 20 lengths of my gym's pool yesterday and have more of the same planned for tomorrow, all I can say is that the scales had better reflect it! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

ratbag24 profile image
ratbag24 in reply to Beth5

Wow u have defiantly put the work in, i'm sure you'll get a loss. My weigh in is tomorrow, i'll let u know how i get on

Elaineanne profile image

Hi beth5 well what can I say I'm delighted my first weigh in and I've lost three and a half pounds so pleased its really spurred me on I'm goin to try and add a bit of exersice this week as I would like to lose a stone in the nexst 5 wks as I go on holiday then for three weeks good luck to you and also ratbag24

Beth5 profile image
Beth5 in reply to Elaineanne

Congratulations Elaineanne! That's a great result. From my previous Weightwatchers experience I can vouch for the benefit of exercise. Even just getting out to walk for 30 mins a day can help! You should be able to reach that goal. Hope you'll keep us updated. D-Day will be Monday, I'll try to post again then. Another 20 lengths in the pool today - really hope I get the loss this week...

Elaineanne profile image

Thanks Beth5 will try to incorporate some this week got the exersice bike in the conservertary so may start there good luck on mon I'm sure Youll do well , good of you to do 20 lengths I'm not a swimmer myself fingers crossed for you post on mon ....

Beth5 profile image
Beth5 in reply to Elaineanne

Hi Elaineanne, I'm not really a swimmer either but it's good cardio which I could do while I had a calf injury and I have a friend who's quite a keen swimmer who gave me a few pointers which have given me the ability to keep the lengths up. Once the weather starts to improve getting out for a walk each day is a great way of getting a break and some exercise, thought it depends on what else you have to be doing. I'll let you know how Monday goes...

Beth5 profile image

Hi to everyone who answered my question, just wanted to let you know that I weighed in and have lost 4lb during last week. I've put up a blog with more info - Back on the Bus.

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