What you might GAIN through weight LOSS! - Weight Loss Support

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What you might GAIN through weight LOSS!

Pineapple27 profile image
33 Replies

My decision to lose weight came after I'd had the 40 something MOT with my GP and all had come back OK - apart from my being overweight. I had enjoyed excellent health up to then (apart from asthma) and instead of resting on my laurels, I thought "I need to keep it that way". I was born disabled as a consequence of the drug Thalidomide. My limbs are all shortened and my mobility is severely affected, not helped by a road traffic accident in 2002 when I suffered a complicated fracture of my lower leg and ended up with an ankle fusion.

My disability impacts on my life each and every day. I really did not want any other issues or problems... eg, diabetes, high blood pressure.

I was recommended to do an NHS weightloss class for 10 weeks (attending once a fortnight). The aim was to learn about healthy eating, portion sizes, taking regular exercise, etc and to lose 10% of our body weight in that time. We were weighed in privately at the start of each session.

Out of the 15 or so of us in that group, there were several people with existing medical conditions, some had mobility issues caused by the excess weight - and many who clearly had no clue about eating healthily! Members of the group dropped out along the way (it was free to attend) and I am proud to say I was the only person who achieved my 10% loss - it did become a bit of a competitive thing for me though! It also made me believe I could do it, and that I possessed far more in terms of determination than I realised.

Of course, the rest is history. That must have been about 7 years ago now (2010/11). I briefly considered weight loss surgery (stomach bypass) and then gave it one last shot with an on-line weight loss website (weightlossresources.co.uk).

I really had no clue that my weight impacted so much on (1) my mobility (2) my general pain and (3) my asthma. I'd been overweight since the age of 9 so I'd never known any differently.

I've not had to use an inhaler since 2012/13 - my asthma was definitely exacerbated by my excess weight. My mobility and stamina have improved hugely. I still use a wheelchair outside of the house, but I can get to the end of the garden now, mow the grass, etc. My personal care routine used to take 1.5 hours. It now takes 45 minutes (showering, washing and drying hair, dressing, make up). I have an additional 5.25 hours a week now! I can use that for exercise and filling in my food diary!

My pain - I am still working on, but I am certain that losing the weight has given me the massive kick up the derriere that I needed to move my body more.

I need my mobility more than most - to me as well as being able to get about, it's about remaining independent and not having to rely on my husband any more than I do to assist me each and every day. He's a gem, and I want him to be my equal partner, not my carer.

Lose weight whilst you are physically able to and before the onset of those "middle age" diseases and illnesses. There's not a day or a week when I don't wish that I'd done this sooner.

It's going to be a life long battle to keep the weight down, but I am used to and up for a challenge!

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Pineapple27 profile image
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33 Replies
kalahuchi profile image

You've certainly shown some grit and determination so far and I don't doubt for a minute that you're up for the challenge! That's the toughest part isn't it - keeping the weight off in the long term I mean. I certainly feel so much better now I have managed to ditch a fair bit of my excess weight so I know what you mean and I know keeping it off isn't going to be easy and I'm sure I'll have to be on my guard. This weekend I stayed in a hotel and actually managed to climb in and out of a bath, no problem at all. It might not sound much but it was really a special moment because before I lost weight I couldn't even think of doing that and having extra mobility and independence must be an even bigger confidence boost. Anyway, good luck and I love the pic x

Pineapple27 profile image
Pineapple27 in reply to kalahuchi

Awww, thanks! That's just it! I don't plan on running any marathons.... but its the little things that I am able to do that I previously couldn't - like stand up long enough on a garage forecourt to fill my car with diesel!

kalahuchi profile image
kalahuchi in reply to Pineapple27

Those little things mean such a lot because they make a big difference to our lives I suppose and I'm such a softy I am regularly getting weepy when I realise I can do something that was impossible before (like getting up off the floor) and the day there was a sudden downpour and I spontaneously broke into a run - well I was in bits! Genuinely didn't know my legs could do that any more. x

EllaMidlands profile image

Thank for sharing this. Good luck.

rosie-2015 profile image

Hi pineapple27 wow what an inspirational post you put me to shame. It was in October 2015 that i eventually gave myself a shake i was 63 nearly 64 and i had waited far too long to start my journey and my health has seiously deteriorated this group has helped me lose 3st 9lb which really helps, again thank you for your inspirational post😘Rosie xx

Pineapple27 profile image
Pineapple27 in reply to rosie-2015

It's never too late! 3st 9lb is loads! And you are still here, so clearly determined! Keep up the good work!

rosie-2015 profile image
rosie-2015 in reply to Pineapple27

This is the most determined I've been I've lost 2/3 st before but this time i'm determined to carry on and hopefully lose another 3st onwards and downwards 😁😁

happyhealthyjane profile image

Such an inspiration! I have no excuse, will work harder towards my goal tomorrow!

wa2un7 profile image

I am lost for words. Your story is so inspiring. You have overcome so many obstacles and come out the other side cheerful and positive. My admiration and congratulations to you.💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐

Im in awe and totally inspired by your post ❤

well done on realising how the weight we carry can make us become prone to other illnesses that can be preventable.

We could all take a leaf out of your book and realise its not all about vanity although you look pretty good too ☺

Pineapple27 profile image
Pineapple27 in reply to

I would have given your post two "likes" for that added compliment ❤️

SGJNL profile image
SGJNL in reply to Pineapple27

Yes my first thought when I saw your face was , what a pretty woman. x

Pineapple27 profile image
Pineapple27 in reply to SGJNL

Ok! You can have two "likes" too :-)

SGJNL profile image
SGJNL in reply to Pineapple27

ah YES YES, thank you Pineapple! x

hjskev profile image
hjskevMaintainer2 stone

Lovely post Pineapple. Thanks. Losing weight is good for me as I've got dodgy knees. So less weight is less stress on the old joints. Got to be good hasn't it?

Pineapple27 profile image
Pineapple27 in reply to hjskev

I think about each half a stone (7lbs, 3.5kg) as being a newborn baby! I was carrying around 9 newborns, all the time! No wonder I found moving hard work!

SGJNL profile image

Awesome well done. I too have medical problems that are not helped by carrying any extra weight. I have just lost 10 % of my body weight. I now have just under 5kgs to go to get to my ideal weight. Keep going, you sound a very determined and focused lady. x

Pineapple27 profile image
Pineapple27 in reply to SGJNL

That's brilliant! Not far to go at all, and you know it works! I hope you do better than I did at maintaining your goal weight once you get there.... 🙃

SGJNL profile image

Thank you, I am determined to try and keep in under control. An added incentive is the knowledge that I have to have heart surgery at some point. x

Another fantastic post. Thanks so much for sharing 💜

apmann profile image

Pineapple I am so impressed with your positive tone. Here I am moaning about not losing any weight for a year now and you have been overweight with the added pain and respiratory problems. I too want to say I can do it, as lately I have felt why bother with a daily diet if nothing happens, so tomorrow I am going to be more positive and get back on the daily diet, walks and runs. Thank you

Pineapple27 profile image
Pineapple27 in reply to apmann

Hi apmann and thank you for your kind comments.

I was like that once upon a time, always finding "things" that I could blame for my being overweight and unable to lose it (age, being too busy to exercise, would say that I ate "healthily" bit ignored portion sizes and all the added "treats").

My whole weight loss journey has been a real education for me in learning just how many calories above what I need to function I was consuming and reducing portion sizes, eating out less, etc.

I won't pretend it's easy and I have had "blips" but the main thing I have learned is that I just have to keep on going. Probably forever in my case! But it's my choice and it is not just myself who benefits from my improved fitness and weightloss. My disability is and will cause me enough problems when I am older... without adding to this by things like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems.

I have also realised just how vital my mobility is just in terms of being able to remain independent - and we are not just talking walking here. My fitness and mobility are key to being able to undertake many aspects of daily life - washing, dressing, being able to enjoy some light gardening, being able to move from A to B.

It may sound a bit weird, but no one is more impressed that I am with what I have been able to achieve - mainly because I know just how much I love food and cooking! But I have turned this to my advantage. I love finding new healthy recipes to try out.

Minniewinny profile image
Minniewinny5 stoneMaintainer

Beautifully written, Thank you for sharing your story x

aysya profile image

wow such courage !!! you have given me that extra edge to loose my 9 babies...😣

Pineapple27 profile image
Pineapple27 in reply to aysya

Glad it helped!

Ceals profile image

Fabulous post Pineapple27 thank you so much for sharing.

Pineapple27 profile image
Pineapple27 in reply to Ceals

My pleasure!

Bunt profile image

Hi Pineapple

Thanks for sharing your story with me. 5 years ago I was 16 stone and being 5ft 1 I was just a round ball, but I finally managed after several failed attempts to loose 5stone, this was by eating the right foods and smaller portions, but I took up power walking which was my main help, walking 5 miles every morning and 4 or 5 miles in the evening I was truly addicted to it. Then out of the blue I developed cancer, and after the tumour was removed I had only limited use of my left leg. I am in remission now and the leg problem is a small price to pay for getting rid of the cancer. But I took my finger off the ball and the weight piled on. inactivity and stuffing my face resulted in the knee in my good leg which had been doing all the work developing arthritis. But I am now ready to take control of thing and do something about my weight. Wow that’s a lot of my chest, now I will concentrate on getting some off my hips. Good to hear of other people’s success well done👍

Pineapple27 profile image
Pineapple27 in reply to Bunt

Hi Bunt thanks for sharing your journey! If I can do it, you can do it too! What ever problems in life we have or what ever our health issues, additional weight is only going to add to them!

I wish you ever success and look forward to you joining us here on your journey...

Elljay22 profile image

Well done. I hope I can stay as motivated as you!

GetfitVee profile image

Love your story, I have only started and really really inspired on your motivations. I hope yo weigh myself and measure my waist soon. It's exicting but it seems like will have to really plan my days eating. Thank you for sharing x

Pineapple27 profile image
Pineapple27 in reply to GetfitVee

A pleasure! Glad it has helped you GetfitVee

Hi honey I think you are great example to all, the obstacles that your disabilities have made you overcome are physical. You have a sharp mind and that's where the will power is. If we all shut our eyes and open our minds the possibilities are endless, what we cant achieve physically we can mentally. I am recently new here so I hope you don't mind putting my two peneth in

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