Weight Loss Chaos! : Ahh Christmas... - Weight Loss Support

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Weight Loss Chaos!

16 Replies

Ahh Christmas happened didn't it? I had a very good plan going into Christmas, and it is still a very good plan, and perhaps next year I will stick to it instead of looking at it from a distance while eating truffles!

There was one positive weight-wise: Size16 PJs! (Compared to the size 18 or 20 I would have previously had) Woop-woop! Bit snug lol, probably would have been a bit better had I gotten them two days before Christmas (my downfall started on Christmas Eve) but I still fit in them, and over the next week or two I'll feel a bit more slinky in them I'm sure.

There were lots of negatives, but I won't dwell on any of them except for this one: I'm weighing myself officially on Friday, and will not record anything other than that weight as my "holiday gain". However, I DID weigh myself yesterday out of curiosity and died of shock lol. How can one body gain 4lbs in three days of free eating?! I don't remember gorging on butter or anything! I'm hoping to have not "officially" gained more than 2lbs on Friday morning :)

Hope everyone else had a wonderful Christmas!

16 Replies
EllaMidlands profile image

I agree that it's a shock how much can go on in only a few days. I am hoping my 5lb in drops off again!

in reply to EllaMidlands

It will! We just need to get back on it :) :)

Claz profile image

I'm sure once your back in your routine again then I'm sure those lbs will disapear. I hardly moved xmas day & boxing day and that is not normal.. I dont have lots of peanuts/chocolates etc just hanging around the house either usually..... so once there all gone normal life can commence again !

good luck x

in reply to Claz

We got so many sweets :o And I don't even like them but I'm eating them because they're there - but not today! :) And not going forward. All this snacky food adds up to a shocking amount of calories - I'm not going to feel guilty for throwing some of it away!

Weird isn't it, how every micro ounce comes off so very slowly, and somehow mega pounds go back on so fast! Life's not fair! 😛

Ruby8 profile image
Ruby8 in reply to

So true! Hidden Not fair!

Iwilldothisthisyear profile image
IwilldothisthisyearHost3kgRestart Feb 2024

Hi Kinbun , I'm glad I'm not the only one who had done this. I've drunk much more than I have done for a little while but the really strange thing is that

before I would get a hangover after a small glass of wine with a meal but over Christmas 🎄 I've drunk lots more & haven't had a hangover 😜

in reply to Iwilldothisthisyear

I had a great plan to drive on Christmas day so I wouldn't drink ANYTHING. as I figured that's at least an extra 1000 calories just in 4 glasses of wine, and I easily consume more than that. What i DIDN'T plan for.. was not drinking on the days where I wasn't driving!

Glad you didn't have a hangover :) It's clearly rewarding you for previous good behaviour!

Iwilldothisthisyear profile image
IwilldothisthisyearHost3kgRestart Feb 2024 in reply to


Fran182716 profile image

It's unlikely you've gained 4lb of fat in 3 days unless you drastically over ate! If you've had more carbs and / or salty foods than usual your body has probably held on to more water and it should hopefully come off again quite quickly. I also gained 4lb - lost two at the beginning of December now they are back with two friends lol. I'm actually sick of the sight of party food now and started back on my healthy eating yesterday. Roll on 2017! 😀

in reply to Fran182716

I agree - roll on 2017! Fingers crossed it's all just water weight lol.

Ottomummy profile image
OttomummyHealthy BMI

Since when did I like chocolate..... i'm sure that's all I've eaten over Christmas and both my waistline and complexion are going to pay a high, high price! Putting it all away now.

in reply to Ottomummy

Ugh same. I knew I had a problem with chocolate - but I thought I'd gained some sort of control over it! Apparently not.

Is this in response to my original post?

The reason I asked is because I'm not sure what gave you that impression so I thought you couldn't be replying to my original post.

I'm perplexed by your interpretation of what I said. Of course I know sugar isn't great (but junk does not automatically equal sugar) and im not condoning it. Just because I'm not doom and gloom about the fact that I ate something bad doesn't mean I don't understand how "harmful" it is. I'm just trying to avoid beating myself up about it.

To be honest I'm just a bit offended by your reply.

benwl profile image

A similar thing happened to me -

On Dec 23 I was 76.6kg and today 79.3. I'm assuming not all of that is recently stored fat and as people have said some of that is water. I've also had much less fibre than normal so these larger meals might be taking more time to pass through.

Well done on dropping the PJ sizes! :)

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