Weight loss is more in the mind than i... - Weight Loss Support

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Weight loss is more in the mind than in the stomach...

DartmoorDumpling profile image
DartmoorDumplingRestart Feb 2024
10 Replies

I was reading a post about Gastric Band Surgery and the before and after support they have...and how eventually, their success (or not) can depend more on their state of mind than the size of their newly reduced stomach!

I am of the opinion that my need to eat is rarely related to my appetite...it is all habit, and looking for the comfort and pleasure gained from eating; nothing to do at all with how hungry I am.

This morning, I avoided the scales as I had eaten more cake & dessert than was necessary over the last few days and I knew there would be no weight lost this week, and might even have been a gain, so didn't want to depress myself by dwelling on it. I planned to have a healthy breakfast and a busy day, and a better week ahead.

Then my partner ruined my mood by noting that I hadn't weighed myself and stating "so you have given up then" which bought out a very angry retort from me. I find it hard enough to get myself into a positive place mentally without being "pushed" from outside, which never fails to bring out a negative response.

I sometimes feel like an alcoholic who knows what they have to do, but sometimes struggles to avoid temptation, and then makes up a myriad of excuses so they don't feel weak or a failure.

Every day is a fresh day, and this "healthy eating" habit is no quick fix - it is for life. Anyhow, I am now back in the zone; I didn't thump my partner and I didn't eat a round of hot buttered toast after my cereal... I settled for a hot mug of blackcurrant tea instead.

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DartmoorDumpling profile image
Restart Feb 2024
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10 Replies
nteapea profile image

Well done and well said! It is hard to get my head in the right place when it is cold don't think I will see a loss this week but I was just reviewing my chart and it is a downwards trend as is yours so lets celebrate that 😀

I can totally agree with everything you've said there

Mind over matter

Good on you for not letting black mood carry on and sounding off here and again the happiness challenge has done it for me

Have a good day ☺

Itsbab profile image

Well done you I always think it's a war going on in my own head to stick on the straight and narrow eating wise, I had an excuse all the time to treat myself I'm happy, I'm sad, I'm upset, fed up the list went on. I just are as a habit and thought it made me feel good and worth something.

Great you didn't get on the scales 👍 I didn't know my weight for the first 41/2 weeks on this journey (my husband knew, I had eyes closed lol) as I knew what a shock it would be and I wasn't strong enough then to take it.

You are doing fantastically, a busy business to run, your mum to look after too, take comfort in sticking to your new journey and every pound lost means a fitter you plus a bonus for Milly a gift from you to her, so you can enjoy more hacks in the future.

PS I probably counldnt have resisted the gentle thump lol

Enjoy your weekend😊👍 Bev

Trish21 profile image

Well done on not causing your partner bodily harm or in fact yourself by that hot buttered toast. You are correct in the parallel you draw between alcohol abuse and overeating. There is nothing inherently wrong in eating a large portion, if you choose the right kinds of foods. I am sure there is a lot of science to support the fact that high sugar and fat content foods are addictive. Breaking the cycle of eat, guilt, eat is not at all easy but by no means impossible. Many years ago Katie Price got into a lot of trouble for her comment "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels", but you know maybe she was right. This mantra could be adapted to the individual and individual circumstances. We all have hang ups, personal wants and needs, loosing weight is not a "one fits all" thing, whatever works for you is right for you. If I am tempted to indulge I now ask myself how much do I want that glass of wine, do I want it more than loosing a few more pounds. Sometimes yes I do and sometimes no I don't. One thing I do not allow now is for guilt to creep into my mind, that bag is far too heavy to carry. Good luck with your journey to a healthier you.

slimpickings profile image
slimpickings2 stone

Think about how much you have achieved and don't focus on a small hiccup. You are back in the mindset now. Good luck. Xx

IndigoBlue61 profile image

Very well done on not eating the toast or thumping said partner!!! Blooming cheek!!! I hope he at east got a filthy look!! Lol 😂

We are all great at knowing what to do, and you are always do kind and helpful to others, try to take your own advice and be kind to yourself, you are doing a fantastic job with the business, your mum and Milly, 😊❤️❤️❤️

Have a lovely weekend 😊

Mollydex profile image
Mollydex1st 7lbsRestart July 2024

Oh so true , I am a firm believer that it happens in your head before it happens in yor stomach/ legs / anywhere else in your body ! I think this is the same for most things in life , before I have to speak at conferences or with senior colleagues I imagine myself having succeeded . I work in a role that has encompassed lots of exams , some of them osce or viva ( verbal ) and always imagine my self doing well before I go in the room . the same goes for my weight loss , I have spent many a few mins daydreaming about how I will feel slim ! And how great it will be when I have run that extra hour . LOL The mind is such a powerful tool . We need to embrace it and use it too our advantage in our journey to health

muffintop67 profile image

Well done for not eating that toast or thumping your partner! I know what you mean about eating not having a relationship to how hungry you are feeling. It is a constant battle and temptation is all around us. You have done so well so you know what to do. Just don't beat yourself up over the extra cake and desert this week and get back on track. I am sure you will still see that downward trend. Hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend :)

Latinia profile image

That bit about wishing to eat not being related to how hungry we are feeling. Some time ago a weight-loss leader said something like: If you are reaching for a chocolate biscuit, stop a minute - why not go for a freshly scrubbed carrot instead? After all, if you do not fancy that carrot you cannot really be feeling hungry...😶

How true, but temptation and hunger get mixed up a bit methinks. 😎

Charley65 profile image

Hi Reading your post was as if I had written it about myself just goes to show we are all in the same boat but think we are different to everyone else ( If that makes sense) I have a lot to lose and have been burying my head but I think I need to get it back out of the sand and start making my life better.

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