I feel like crap: Hi all Some of you... - Weight Loss Support

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I feel like crap

Dave1961 profile image
37 Replies

Hi all

Some of you will know me and know I have been in and out of here for ages.

I was doing well up until last October and had lost around 10 kilos but have gained that PLUS (I am guessing because my scales stop at 150 KG) another 15 kg.

Since then I have come in and out of here and I feel bad that people take the time to send me messages or leave me comments of support and I keep then disappearing the next moment for another month or two.

Thanks to you all - much appreciated !

Aaaaannnyway - my tale of woe.

I worked in a very small retail store until last week. One of our customers came into buy some herbal pills that we sell, was stopped by police and the owner then rang me to tell me this.

I asked why the police would have stopped him and he admitted that the herbal pills were not exactly legal to sell, which I had NO idea of.

I told him I was leaving there and then, locked the shop and walked away. I couldn't believe he had put me in that position but on the other hand, considering my weight - probably around 155 kg - I felt lucky someone was actually employing me at all so I guess I am at fault as well. I was and am still so angry about this whole thing.

So - I have spent a week cramming chips and chocolate and rubbish into my face and I am officially over myself. His court date has been set for the end of the month and I have not heard from the policeand hopefully won't but even so it's stressing me quite a lot.

But I can't just sit here for a month stress eating so I am trying to pull myself off the sofa and get moving. I have even charged up my Fitbit so that's a positive sign! :)

Anyways, hi to you all and I'll make more of an effort to be around so I can get some positive vibes from you guys.

Q: What did the duck say when he bought lipstick?

A: "Put it on my bill."

Come on - you KNOW you have missed me!


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Dave1961 profile image
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37 Replies
JaySeeSkinny profile image

Dead right we missed you, Dave1961 , with your philosophical thoughts, pledges "just for one day" and thoughtful posts. Welcome back! We are very pleased to see you again and hope we can help you get back on track. 😎👍

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to JaySeeSkinny

Thanks Jay :)

Seuzan profile image

If your employer's actions have given you the impetus to get fit and get yourself back on the right track then he has done you a favour! Good luck. Turn these events into something positive for yourself....

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to Seuzan

Thanks Suezan and you're right of course.

I rarely am a glass half empty person and your words have reminded me of that :)

Carolee13 profile image

Gosh Dave, what a position to be in! Don't even think the crappy illegal job you had was because you are so overweight, that's a lie. You are a beautiful human person and are valuable and worthwhile. You are already on your way to beating the bad reaction you had to your situation. Praying for you xx

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to Carolee13

Thanks Carolee thats really kind of you to say :)

kantara71 profile image

Blimey Dave, that must have been a shock! You thinking you were selling stuff to help people and to keep them healthy and then ...........

I hope you do not get into trouble for it and look back and smile about the whole episode.

So back to trying to keep motivated and lose a bit of weight eh? Good luck mate small steps at a time, you know the drill and stop buying chocolate :-) I know it becomes addictive, have just a couple of squares and suddenly the whole bar is gone!

And get back to looking for some work too, that should focus your mind.

Take care


Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to kantara71

Thanks John, I think like most people I expect the worst in these situations and usually its never as bad as I suspect. Thanks for the words:)

Fitforit75 profile image

Of course we missed you!!! Glad you're back Dave, even though you feel like you're under a cloud, your posts bring sunshine to others :)

What a really crummy thing to happen at work, and I know exactly what you mean about putting a weight to value on yourself - I often let my weight stop me from reaching further :(

I really hope you hear nothing more about it. Please keep posting - and being positive!

Kate x

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to Fitforit75

Awww thanks:) After an extended period of eating rubbish today every time I had a slight niggle I cam straight here. Made me realise it can help to have support around.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

HI Dave,

Yes, we've definitely missed you. Definitely! Really great to see you again, and I'm so sorry to hear what happened at your work-place, and I agree that it was absolutely not right what your boss put you through - and I think you were right to quit your job in those circumstances - but I also feel for you that you're currently not working - but hopefully something good will come out of it, and there will be some silver linings to this.

I am really happy to see you again, and Welcome Back! :-)

I'd like to wish you a better week ahead.

Take care,

Lowcal :-)

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to Zest

Thanks Lowcal you have always been so supportive :) NO excuses this time!

IndigoBlue61 profile image

Hi Dave1961

What a difficult week you have had! I really hope the investigation is successful and you have no more worries that way.

With regards to weight loss, I was saying in the Monday weigh in thread, it seems many of us have struggled this week, I'm going to blame the weather as lack of sunshine definitely affects MY mood, plus it's the British thing to do!! Lol 😂 Seriously, one of the amazing things about this forum is realising that no matter how intelligent or fit or experienced you are at weight loss EVERYONE can have difficult weeks. I have also had a very challenging two weeks due to severe pain and the news that there is an underlying health problem, this has really thrown me. I was in despair that after 11 months of successful weight loss I have gained over half a stone!! And quickly!! Eeek!! 😜 But coming on here, reading posts, re evaluating and gaining lots of support has really helped 😊

So, I don't doubt that in your usual way, you will pick yourself up and move forward 😊 Everyone has weeks like this, but I for one am not prepared to let the rubbish hand I have just been dealt let me undo all the hard work, and you mustn't either, you are worth more than that 😊 Very best wishes 😊

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to IndigoBlue61

You're right and I always underestimate how the support here can help. Thanks for the kind words much appreciated.

Cockneyblue profile image
Cockneyblue2lbsRestart Jan 2024 in reply to IndigoBlue61

Well said Anna61, well done. 👏👏

Itsbab profile image

Hi Dave1961 I haven't seen your posts on here as I am new (7 weeks in ) myself. I am so sorry your employer put you in that position thats awful but you were right to quit. In old fashioned terms all will come out in the wash and you can start again. Use the frustration you feel with the incident to motivate your weight loss, you are already thinking this or you wouldn't have contacted the forum and got the fit bit out. So come on we can do this all of us together turn frustration into motivation and go for it Dave1961👍👍👍👍👍👍

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to Itsbab

Thanks Bab and your right. Time to get moving!

Its 6 pm here in Sydney and I am only 350 steps from my 10,000 :D

Itsbab profile image
Itsbab in reply to Dave1961

Wow well done! didn't realise you were in Oz my nephew lives near Sydney moved there 8 years ago and has never looked back. Imagine how many stones you can get rid of before your summer arrives!

Cockneyblue profile image
Cockneyblue2lbsRestart Jan 2024 in reply to Dave1961

Hi Dave1961, nice to meet you. You sound like you are going to be fun. I look forward to reading your posts. Good luck with your weight loss and job finding. Mind you don't fall off the edge of Oz, with all those steps 😆😆 Best wishes.

Windswept1 profile image
Windswept1 in reply to Dave1961

Brilliant, keep at it. Missed your posts!!!

Windswept1 profile image
Windswept1 in reply to Dave1961

Brilliant, keep at it. Missed your posts!!!

chris47 profile image

Yes of course we have missed you look forward to seeing your posts again. Was wondering where you were.

Hmm... Not sure if I've missed you, let me have a think... Dave who? :D

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to

Oh so its going to be like THAT is it? :)

in reply to Dave1961

Oh, okay, yes I remember you now :)

WeightWarrior profile image

Aww bless you Dave what a stressful time you are having. I hope everything turns out well for you. I'm 100% sure that we ALL have struggles with food along the journey at some time...I've been pretty awol myself, having a bit of low mood trouble atm and my eating reflects that, I'm yo-yo-ing a bit, down a pound, up a pound, etc etc, but I gained 2 1/2 pounds this week after a blow out on Saturday. Let's take each day as it comes and keep fighting through it, it sounds like you have your "let's do this!" head on, so I'm sure you can come out of the other side of this successful. You know we are all behind you. Yep, we are stalkers, just look over your shoulder and we'll be there LOL! Big virtual hugs Dave, take care of you x

WeightWarrior profile image
WeightWarrior in reply to WeightWarrior

PS Just had a thought, is this post locked so that only the community can see it...might be an idea given the content. :-)

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to WeightWarrior

Thanks WW and good pickup. I edited the post and removed bits. Thanks so much for all you kind words ... and hugs!!! Oddly enough a friend of mine called last night about some work his company may have. They called this morning and I have an interview Friday so fingers crossed. If nothing else it will be good to just get an interview or two under my belt.

WeightWarrior profile image
WeightWarrior in reply to Dave1961

Ooh that sounds promising, very good luck for Friday! x

DartmoorDumpling profile image
DartmoorDumplingRestart Feb 2024

Sorry to hear things have been tough for you recently. But that's life isn't it, all ups and downs. One thing about a food addiction, (if that is what it is), it is reversible! You can turn this around - you have done it before, you are so much more knowledgeable now, and you often write some good reading for the rest of us while you doing it, so get stuck in there - start writing instead of eating, it keeps us all going. Write about the good things as well as the bad. We look forward to hearing more from you!

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to DartmoorDumpling

Thanks DD much appreciated - and yes, definitely more writing to come.

Candystripe profile image

Hi Dave,

So sorry to hear about the crap in your life but listen mate, how about getting that bike out and turning your non working hours getting fit again???

Do you remember months ago that we had a wager to see who would reach their latest goal first? Well having been away on holiday for six weeks, I gained 6 lbs and have that now to lose AGAIN. I challenge you again Dave. First one to lose 7lbs is going to be me, what do think my chocolate munching Aussie mate??? 😉 X

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to Candystripe

Hi honey, thats for the kind words. I always had a gut feeling something was not quite right in that shop so in some ways I am glad to be rid of it.

As it turns out a mate of mine mentioned me at their work to do some casual courier stuff (pathology lab collections and drop off), they called this morning, have an interview on Friday and they haven't even asked for a CV so I think this *might* be a goer. And its above board! :)

Would love to do another challenge but right now I don't know what I weigh. I literally am weighing as "ERR" on my scales! I suspect its around 153 but I really am not sure.

Lets see what Monday brings, I am back on track and eating properly and exercising so hopefully I will get back to or just under 150 so I can weigh in again properly and then we can have a challenge :)

Nice to seeya!

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to Dave1961

Big hugs as always and fingers crossed for Friday. 😘😘😘

katy6860 profile image

I know how you feel Dave1961, i had ice cream today and a cake yesterday after not having sugar for a while. i was cranky and felt all bloated and severely yucky. i have been at this for about a month and have lost about 13 pounds. not sure what that is in kgs as i am from Texas, but it is not bad for a start. Keep your chin up and start over again, i have done it about a billion times. and Welcome back! i like you already!!!

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to katy6860

Thanks Katy thats sweet :) There is 2.2 pounds in a kilo. And Hear you. This whole thing can be so frustrating, as your inner voice screams "no, no, no!" but that cake just keeps disappearing into your mouth! Clearly you have to be a little bit crazy to be overweight! :)

Good to see you back - hope you stick around this time!

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