Starting again: Its been about 4 weeks... - Weight Loss Support

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Starting again

Dave1961 profile image
23 Replies

Its been about 4 weeks and there are so many new excitied fresh faces around - its great to see! :)

Have had a fairly tough 4 weeks and have been eating well during the day but night time - I think like for most of us - is the hard part and I do not seem to have had any filters on eating lately.

I, like many of us, deal with pretty debilitating depression and sometimes it seems to all get too hard. But the little messages of support and seeing what has been going on really has helped to keep me somewhat in the game and now I am ready to start being more accountable.

So its back for weigh in tomorrow and ready to get going again.

For those of you who remember my whole backyard project I am about 3 weeks late but all i have left to do is plant grass seed which happens on Tuesday. Finally!

Although I have been kind of out for the count I have forced myself to do a little bit each day.

Above is a before photo - you can make out a few plants against the fence but I had to remove these as the neighbour was worried about the fence so I really have started from scratch on this project.

The plants were all free - donated, found or grown from babies:)

I have loaded a little video on youtube to show where I am at now with the garden. Its a week or so old. Since then I have completely cleaned up the junky area at the end of the video and extended the garden another metre or so.

The Birds Actors Guild kicked up a fuss so I had pay royalties to the bird at the start for his starring role.

As you can see some grass is going to make it look so much better :)

Hope everyone is doing well :)


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Dave1961 profile image
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23 Replies
sueper profile image

Hi Dave, good to see you back in the fold :)

The yard looks fantastic and the fact you have made yourself do a bit everyday despite feeling rough it great and probably helped you a bit too.

Good luck with the weigh in tomorrow. Like many others here I am still plodding along.

All the best for getting back on track and hopefully this will be the beginning of a better period for you.


Candystripe profile image

Dear Dave, sooo missed you.

Your garden is looking lovely. Well done.

Also welcome back. Glad you you didn't forsake us completely and that you got to a place where you want to be again. I think each & everyone of us has been willing you back into the fold.

Hope you'll be joining us for the weigh in tomorrow. Love C. X

Fran182716 profile image

Hi Dave, good to see you back. Yards looking great! It's a real illustration of your determination and persistence that's kept you going even when you've been feeling rubbish. ☀️

Morning Dave :-) Well done on your garden project - it's looking really good, and you've obviously been busy and working hard on that ! Fantastic that you've also said that your day time eating is going ok. Your post really sounds positive and I'm glad that you seem to be finding a way through the low points that you've been having recently :-)

Yes, join the weighing in again and holding yourself accountable - but don't be too hard on yourself ! Perhaps see this as a way of joining back in, and getting back to that shouty, funny, encouraging Dave by posting lots for us. Don't worry too much about where you are in terms of weight loss - that'll come once you've got everything else sorted out.

Nice to see you again :-)

gillyflower88 profile image

Hey Dave, you're back. Loved your garden video and what an achievement. Enjoy the results of your hard work. Grass takes so little time to make an enormous difference too. I can picture you sitting out there enjoying an ice cold beverage, with a great deal of pride. Lovely to have you back 😊😊😊

Elizahanna profile image

Hi Dave, it's good to have you back, well done for coming back as getting back on the wagon can be so tough (I speak from experience as. I am currently gaining weight). I love the garden and the bird song at the start made me want to take off for warmer climes! Best of luck!

kitkat34 profile image

wow peaceful

I'm liking your style

might pinch some of your ideas

good to see your about again

what an oasis

enjoy your summer

it's getting dark at 4.30. pm here

had similar week as you

I feel your pain

Elissy profile image

Hi Dave, so glad you're finding the strength to start again 😊 🙋

You garden project looks fantastic -love the video!!! It will look great with grass growing.

Good to hear that you are feeling more positive, and eating well in the daytime is halfway there.

Good to have you back, Dave 😊😏😄

Diana profile image

Lovely to see you back, I did wonder how you were........!

I hope your weigh in tomm, won't be too dire, you never know, bodies can be deceiving at times.

Happy to be endeavouring maintainer, two weeks in, so far, so good, mind you tooth drama has not helped.

Take care xx

Hi there; well done with the garden! That must have been some work! I am looking out a mess, so I'll have to do some tidying up later! Thanks for the inspiration! All best

Hi Dave,

Great to hear from you and the yard looking good, must make you feel good to see what all your hard word has acomplished😃

It all looks so fresh and tropical, here we've had gales, storms and loads of rain !! Love Bill or is it Ben hanging off the fence 😃

Happy to hear you are ready for the next bit or your journey, we are all still here behind you a 100% so go at your pace sometimes when life deals us a rough hand we need time to think before we move on up so here's to your moving on up ! Lol

Have a lovely week


Primrose3 profile image

That's brilliant Dave. Welcome back and good luck with your weigh in. I'm struggling to lose my last 12lbs but, hey ho, here we go.

Primrose 😊

mascotty02 profile image

fab Dave

am at a low to been several months now and the GP wont do anything as I refuse AD as I feel am not depressed

libbydaniels88 profile image

Hi Dave - welcome back ! As you see we are all still here slogging along- battling through our dieting days 😊 your garden looks lovely. If you were nearer, you could do mine !

Your garden looks great. A few calories hone sorting that out. 🌲🌳🌴🍃🌻

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024

I am glad you are back, I have been a bit worried about you, but looks like you have found a wonderful way to keep busy.

Your garden looks beautiful and I can imagine you will spend your evenings out there watering the plants instead of snacking!

Keep up the good work and good luck with the weight loss.

Prin profile image

Psssss.... come back tomorrow lowcal has been away for the last 2 weeks so no one will have noticed your absence, have saved you a special seat on the weight loss bus, just in front of me - it's the seat I used to hound Candystripe from, and look what happened to her!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Welcome back Dave, your return has put a big smile on my face.

You're going great guns with your garden, thank goodness I can blame the winter on the state of my garden at the mo, I'll have to come up with something convincing by spring though ;)

Looking forward to seeing you at the weigh-in tomorrow. Baby steps is all you need to concern yourself with, you've got a heck of a cheering squad who are behind you 100%.

Go Daaave, Go Daaaave :)

Welcome back Dave!

Carolee13 profile image

Hi Dave, great to see you feel able to start afresh and check in with us. Also brilliant that you're making progress with the garden. I'm sure it helps with the depression to do gardening, getting close to nature and seeing rewards for your efforts.

Wishing you all the best with the garden and the battle with night-time cravings. You can beat this!!

gilly57 profile image

Morning Dave, or not as in your case. You've been such an inspiration to those on this site I'm delighted to see you posting again. It's good to have a project and your video shows what yours currently is! And how is the loss going? I'm asking because I'm struggling particularly at the moment and feeling uncomfortable with the whole thing. I know from my successful phase that it's all in the mind, so to speak. If your head is in gear the eating is the easy bit. Trouble is I feel I don't actually want to focus at the moment. I am starting again today though and I'm going to find out how I can lose weight, this time, without my mind. I'm just going to use willpower in the food department and force myself to do the right thing. It'll be an interesting "challenge" (as if I haven't heard enough of THAT word!)

So, if you don't mind I'll tell you how I'm doing as I go.

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to gilly57

I went to see my Dr today and he asked if I had been to see the dietitian as recommended.

We eventually agreed that really you can try a million diets, a thousand different tricks but in our heart we all know that 3 healthy meals a day, plus a couple low carb snacks and decent exercise is the best way to lose weight.

There is no ultimate amazing magic pill or trick - its simply eating less than you burn :)

Feel free to let me know how you're going - would love to hear.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi Dave,

I am just strolling around the site, and I came across this most beautiful garden - such an inspiring post, and glad to read it following getting back. I was away for the past 3 weeks. Was really glad to see you weighed in again on our Fab 5'er Monday weigh-in - great that Prin saved you that seat on the bus, and Prin is right, I didn't notice your absence - mainly as I was away! :-)

I'm really really glad that you are back though, you are such a great guy, and we do miss you when you're away.

Hope you are enjoying planting that grass seed - as I know you were planning on doing it today. It will certainly be a great addition when the grass starts growing, and it will be lush and green. You'll be able to enjoy a picnic of healthy foods on that grass in the coming months, if you want to of course!

Look forward to catching up with you next week.

Lowcal :-)

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