Can cycle will cycle !!!!!!!!! - Weight Loss Support

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Can cycle will cycle !!!!!!!!!

Jo4950 profile image
18 Replies

Morning haven't posted for a while as life very hectic at moment. Still managed to lose 2.5lbs, not much but its been harder of late. I have been attending hospital for radiotherapy several times a week and in between I have been determined to carry on with my cycling. I was determined to take my place in the 10 miles of the 100 mile ride with my eldest daughter. (She was completing the 100 miles !!!!) It has been hard but I absolutely refused to give up. I have continued to be out most days even though some days I have only ridden for a couple of miles then come home for a rest, then yesterday joined in with the huge crowd and my daughter of course ! to complete my bit of the leg. It was amazing I have never felt so exhilarated and buoyed on. Took me just under 2 hours as I had to stop a few times as was quite tired, but hey ho all completed. My lovely daughter also completed her 100 miles, I'm in awe, she is absolutely fantastic and amazing. She said that she is going to do another one, she has invited me to do it with her(may give it a miss, think 10 miles is my limit at the moment) We managed to raise over a £1000 for cancer and epilepsy so great result all round.

Today I have another proud child day, as my middle daughter is graduation from Cambridge and I am attending her ceremony of graduation. Bless her she has worked really hard and has already started teaching at a primary school, sorry for rambling but I am a very proud mum !!!!!!! Of course there will be a luxury high tea after so I am not going to worry to much about food, I will of course try to make some wise choices but I am not going to beat myself up if I slip up:)

Tomorrow is my day to get back on with my fab at 50 plan and I really feel the last few weeks have taught me to keep persevering no matter what happens. I have seen some things that have made me feel even more grateful for what I have. We never know how much time we have and we should not squander it on making excuses, but live life to the full. I feel very strongly that taking care of yourself is the first steps to doing this and you cannot support others if you do not 100% support yourself. It may seem slightly selfish and I know it's hard but, in the long run you can give so much more.

So here is to the next week and I hope all of you have an amazing and fulfilling week. Remember kindness to yourself is really important.

Big hugs to all xx

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Jo4950 profile image
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18 Replies
Flossie1920 profile image

WEll DONE....I KNEW YOU AND YOUR DAUGHTER WOULD DO are a true IRON LADY to my mind. Very happy to hear you are also supporting epilepsy....a much under rated but very serious condition...I have it and although behaving itself at present, fingers crossed yet again, it can be unpredictable.

Anyway I know you and the family will thoroughly enjoy today...what a marvellous start to a Monday and hope it carries on til the end of the week at least.

Well done also on the weight loss.....

Take care my IRON LADY and enjoy..

Much love and hugs

M xxxxxxx

Jo4950 profile image
Jo4950 in reply to Flossie1920

Bless you and thanks lovely lady.

My daughter's friend was diagnosed with epilepsy this year and has struggled to cope so my daughter is very keen to support in any way she can.

(Hope you got my email)

Take care and speak soon and big hugs back xx

Flossie1920 profile image
Flossie1920 in reply to Jo4950

Hi Just saying HAVE A WONDERFL DAY....and enjoy the grand tea - my new name is it's not it's FLOSSIE20 xxxxxx

Jo4950 profile image
Jo4950 in reply to Flossie1920

Sorry to make you feel green with envy but,It was a fab day and the high tea including champagne!!!!!!!!!, it was glorious and she so deserved it as she has done a fab job, I am very proud of her as she is a wonderful young woman.

Ate to much cake and too many sandwiches (they are my downfall)

Back on track now and aiming for the beloved fab at 50 target, only a month away now, so going to work really hard to do as good as possible.

Hope you are having a fantastic week :)

Flossie1920 profile image
Flossie1920 in reply to Jo4950

Hi Gorgeous - well according to the photo you are - both of you in fact.....not green any more so no worries there - just eaten my HALF an apple as fancying choc like mad!!!!!!!! I had some naughty pasty for tea but very little else - not the way I know its just one of those days..

Good to know you had such a good time and enjoyed the champers - oh and the sandwiches - which I also love - but as you say, back on track for that big birthday.

Enjoy and keep warm...

Love M xxxxxxx

Jo4950 profile image
Jo4950 in reply to Flossie1920

Keep up with the apple it will feel very virtuous in the end.

Small pasty not too bad so should hurt the process so don't feel too bad.

At the moment I am using my son's wize but boring motto Step away from the rubbish if you want the glam, maybe he is right !!!!!!!! He is nearly 23 so he must be, or so he thinks !!

Keep up the fantastic work :)

Jo x

Flossie1920 profile image
Flossie1920 in reply to Jo4950

Hi Jo - very wise words for such a young head...but yes, he is right - and thanks yet again.. you're good for my diet!!

Speak soon

Have a relaxing evening


Jo4950 profile image
Jo4950 in reply to Flossie1920


This is one of my favourite posts I've read - it has made me feel a bit soppy :-) Your determination in completing your cycling challenge is amazing and you truly deserve the lovely day seeing your daughter graduate - your wonderful parenting has obviously given her a real base to achieve such success :-)

Wishing you a fantastic day :-D

Jo4950 profile image
Jo4950 in reply to

thank you so much for all your kind words, graduation was amazing as was the champagne high tea, it was glorious, sorry best day I have had for ages and she is a wonderful young woman.

Hope you are having a wonderful week and all going well for you :)

3rd-Time-Here profile image

Hi Jo4950

WOW!!! what an inspiring post. You are obviously facing a challenging time at the moment and yet showed so much determination to meet your goal and support your daughter with your cycling. You should be so proud not only of your amazing achievement but also the monies raised for two excellent charities. Have a really good day today at your daughters graduation and enjoy your luxury high tea, you very much deserve it. Well done and thank you for writing such an enlightening post and spurring us all on to achieve our goals.

Jo4950 profile image
Jo4950 in reply to 3rd-Time-Here

Bless you, that's very kind of you to say such lovely things. I am still a rather soppy proud parent, graduation was long but amazing, my daughter really deserved her degree as she has worked really hard. She has already started to do her student teaching year so cracking on.

My eldest cycle maniac daughter is very inspiring to me and really helps me stay on track, and had to do it for charity as they are so important to us.

Hope you are having a great week and all yours goals are happening for you too.

Apparently I have now to start thinking about a longer cycle to keep me up to speed, we will see !!!!!!!! Said daughter is a hard task master. :)

Dave1961 profile image

What a fantastic post and I feel very up lifted - thankyou :)

And your statement about looking after ourselves first is spot on.

Too often we look after others first and put ourselves way down the list while at the same time being self critical about our weight and how we look.

We need to become our own best friend, fight through the negativity and give ourselves more hugs in the process.

Go you - sounds like you are grabbing life by the ummm dooleys :P

Jo4950 profile image
Jo4950 in reply to Dave1961

Thank you for your kind words, you are so right I am grabbing everything right now and appreciating just all the everyday things that I can drag out of life. Not to sound negative but, we need to enjoy and embrace everything. I say woohoo bring it on :)

Hope things are going good for you right now and you have got back on track. Have a great week :)

Remember the cheer GO DAVE GO

Portlandprincess profile image

Inspiration! Wonderful post. Love to you and your wonderful family!

Jo4950 profile image
Jo4950 in reply to Portlandprincess

Bless you, thanks they are fab all 4 of them ( I know 4, all amazing of course) perhaps I am a bit biased !!!!!!!!

Hope you have a fantastic week :)

Gonti profile image
Gonti10 kg

What an amazing amount is going on with you at the moment. TYour family sound wonderful! HAve a good week!

Jo4950 profile image
Jo4950 in reply to Gonti

You are so right but I think I would be bored if I didn't have a hundred and one things going on. Yes, family fab, at least most of the time LOL:)

Hope you are having a fantastic week.

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