Here is my new Canine Partner, Liggy. She is my assistance dog and is rapidly becoming my new best friend. In the early days, she is still very much 'in training' so instead of nibbling, I spend my time practising her task work with her and feeding her treats. Last night, we were watching 'Strictly' and I picked up the TV remote to turn the volume up. This is something I often drop and she picks up. She came and sat right next to me and just stared at it, willing me to drop it. Well, of course, I had to oblige. Trouble was, she changed the channel as she picked it up. Never mind, she still got a treat.
Busy bees challenge (week 2) - Weight Loss Support
Busy bees challenge (week 2)

Liggy sounds brilliant. I love your stripey dress and colour coordination with Liggy's purple jacket too. Looking good

Hi Finn, lovely photo of your new Assistant/friend. Just read your posts since you started, well done, an inspiration. Gill
Awww she’s just so gorgeous you are going to have some wonderful times together❤️
Aww she is gorgeous
She is looking at you adoringly x x
Great news and she looks lovely.
Perhaps you can train her to nick high carb snacks off your plate

Liggy is lovely. That's a great photo of the two of you.
She is lovely - and certainly knows how to engineer a treat for herself!
That’s a cute story and a nice pic. I hope you have a long and happy time together!
What a super photo Finnberry and a distraction! Liggy is just gorgeous and being with her is much better than eating 😊
As this weeks most unusual post you get 150 BB points 🐝
She is absolutely gorgeous Finnberry !

She is gorgeous and clearly adores you already. Wishing you a wonderful life together.🤗