I'm failing :( : I don't know what is... - Weight Loss Support

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I'm failing :(

hope00 profile image
13 Replies

I don't know what is wrong with me, I seem to be losing motivation and I am well into week 6. I have gained a pound and it's so upsetting. I've also been eating alot more. Please, any advice/tips to pick myself back up :(

I'm finding it so hard to fit in exercise...

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hope00 profile image
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13 Replies
David65 profile image

Find an hour in which you have nothing else to do, pull your notes from week 1 and review the reasons why you wanted to lose weight in the first place. A few poor choices here and there doesn't mean you're failing; it means you're human! What's done is done, but what you mustn't do is let a pound become two, become four and so on. Don't give up, just regroup and start again.

trafford1 profile image

Hiya hope00,

you have made it this far in your journey, don't give up now. I know you have said you have some struggles with time management due to your studies and work and fitting in a workout my not be easy and I get that.

The way I look at fitting in a workout is to look at it as though it is my second job to work out. I get up everyday 5 days a week and go to work..I don't want to go to work but I have to go to work to pay the bills.

It's the same with exercise, I don't want to always exercise but because this is my second job I get up and I exercise. I see it as I am working for myself and that's more rewarding than any job that pays money because I am paying myself back with good health and well-being.

Six weeks is great, you have come so far on your journey. Don't go back now. With regards to your food intake just add more veg at dinner times to fill you up and if you make to much food then use some containers to portion your food and have a second portion the following day or just freeze what you don't want for another day.

Good luck and I encourage you to stick with it, I know it's hard as I am in week 7, but find that motivation that you have found to have come this far and you will succeed.

hope00 profile image
hope00 in reply to trafford1

thank you trafford1, you're completely right. I won't give up but it's just so hard motivating myself to workout.

Good luck and well done :)

DoniMac profile image

Hi I got stuck in week 6 and just wanted to eat, then picked up in week 7 and did Ok, (this is week 7 now) I have not gained any weight when I slipped up, but felt like I can't do this. Then I tried the Couch to 5k and could not do that, so looked at other ways to exercise, but really wanted to try the running. Anyway after a couple of weeks of toning and frowning, I have finally found a way that works for me, just walking very fast for half the walk, then ease off, then walk fast again, it is a sort of walking shuffle at a higher speed then a slower speed. mainly i like it because it means I am outside and also have learned to keep an eye on my knees so they don't get sore and swell up. I am doing exercises to strengthen my knees and also doing some simple stretch Pilates exercises to tone the muscles a bit. It is slowly coming together.

On the food front, I would do Ok one week and lose it the next week, so felt like a failure. Then I read a post by someone called Catch and saw how she had lost heaps of weight, but did it over a year. So now I have given myself permission to do the same over a year. I will repeat the 12 week challenge as many times as it takes and also gradually improve my walking and toning as well as strengthen my body. Then I feel I will have accomplished what I set out to do.

By giving myself the year to do it, I don't panic when I slip up, and don't give up because my knees hurt. Maybe this will work for you? Give yourself the time it took to put the weight on to take it off again. My son bought me a cup, it says........."Every time I lose weight, it catches me up again' ..........that's us. Good luck and don't give up.

hope00 profile image
hope00 in reply to DoniMac

thank you, it's really kind that everyone on here is so kind and you're all motivating me to carry on!

elliebath profile image

DO NOT PANIC , DONT GIVE UP, my journey took 8 months, some weeks down, some weeks gained, many weeks stayed the same. It is a NORMAL pattern for most people. When I have a binge day I just start the new day and dont fret about it. OR if you prefer, you can deduct those excess calories a few each day for the rest of the week. Remember, it takes a deficit of 3500 calories to lose 1 pound. Ideally this would be 1lb a week, but even if it slows down and you only average 1lb per month, its STILL A LOSS ! I have lost 2st since last april, very slowly , some weeks gained, many stayed level, some lost. But I got there eventually and SO CAN YOU....JUST DONT GIVE UP.

hope00 profile image
hope00 in reply to elliebath

I won't! thank you so much, I will do this!

Denram profile image

I started my lose weight campaign in January this year. It was not a resolution but I had decided to see what I could do in one full year as I have long-term health issues including Sarcoidosis. I had retired last year in June partly due to my poor health and I just enjoyed the summer and tried ( not too hard ) to be more active.

Being a keen photographer and having spent my working life in an office I thought that by getting out more without time limits would get the weight off in no time. I soon found out that this was not the case.

Weight goes up as well as down for me as I cannot stick to any diet so I decided to cut down on the food intake and just be active three times a week. From being 38 pounds overweight I have lost 6 pounds since Jan.

Not much by other peoples standards but my target is to lose about 2 pounds a month, so I am up which is a motivator. Also my short walks have become longer and I can now walk up some of the small hills I struggled with when I started. Basically I stop less often. When we have good days I even try to JOG!! ( 5 paces for now but again I will attempt to gradually add another step each time I go out ).

All these things become motivators when you achieve them and combined they give me something to celebrate.

I am still a "Fair-Weather" outdoor type but come the summer I will be out more and hopefully achieve my personal goals by the above methods.

Hopefully you can take something from the above especially as in the summer months you can go for walks either in parks or the coast, visit places and in general become more active without realising it.

Good Luck

elliebath profile image
elliebathMaintainer in reply to Denram

Your story is very realistic and will encourage lots of people who think they're past trying... 6lbs since January is good, and 2lbs a month will be 24 in a year! Try taking a waist, neck or thigh measurement as well, cuz that will possibly show you more than just the scales!

Denram profile image
Denram in reply to elliebath


Your suggestion of taking measurements is a great idea. You are right in that this will provide a better guide to my new and marvellous figure!!!! Only wish I had done this at the outset but will start from now. It is not too late.

My wife has hold me she can now see a difference ( after two months ) and when I started, I deliberately pulled out a beach photo of me, taken in 2009 which I look at when I get an urge to just snack.

It is a wonderful passion killer for food and one of the major drivers behind my one year "give it a real go and see what happens" resolution.


elliebath profile image
elliebathMaintainer in reply to Denram

You have set yourself a modest target and Im sure 2lb per month will be quite achievable. It is harder for us retirees! I am 62 and last april was 2stone overweight. I have just reached my goal, and my BMI is a healthy 23.

Like you, I wasn't previously terribly active. Now I run a weekend b&b at home, so am quite busy with that, and on weekdays we try to walk at least an hour 4 times a week.

If your wife is supporting you on this, I do recommend you log everything you eat. It does sound a bit obsessive but really, everybody who does it says they have a far better understanding of the quantity and calorie values of all manner of foods. Many of us used the app myfitnesspal , it calculates everything for you and takes 10 mins a day . I would certainly given up by july if I hadnt used it!

Good luck, I have a feeling you might surprise yourself!!

Hairyman profile image

DON'T worry I know it an be so distressing to see the scales telling you you have put on a pound. My weight fluctuates up and down that much all the time. It is what is happening over the weeks not hours that counts.

PS don't tell every one but emptying my bowels a few days ago sent my weight down 3lbs! oops. now everyone knows?

behappynow profile image

Its hard to change diet in an instant...as we eat the wrong food for years...it takes time...so restart again...and give yourself a goal within a certain time on how much to lose and reward yourself with non food item like new clothes, haircut or even putting money in a jar each time you didnt buy chocolate, biscults..or fast food ..have a good week...

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