Hello everyone, just joined the community after to many years sitting on the sidelines.
joining community : Hello everyone, just... - My MSAA Community
joining community

Hi Dolphin02, and welcome! Glad you decided to reach out after all this time. This is a great forum to chat, ask questions, or just follow along. 🙂
hello & welcome
Welcome Dolphin02! T his is a really good group of people to chat with and sometimes vent to if there is something on your mind .
Hello and welcome
If you would, please tell us a little about ytour history and situation.
Welcome to the group!!
Welcome to the group. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Welcome to the group Dolphin02 ! Glad you have decided to come out and chat with the group! This is a wonderful group! Look forward to getting to know you!
Hi, Dophin02! 👋 Nice to meet you.

Welcome to this forum, Dolphin02 . I look forward to hearing more from you. You can visit mymsaa.org for more resources for assistance in managing ‘ms’. We all all here for each other. Keep Smiling