Unnumbered post A thought 22 Nov 2020 - My MSAA Community

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Unnumbered post A thought 22 Nov 2020

RoyceNewton profile image
28 Replies

My beloved ms family, I hope we are all well and last night was good for you and today meets all your expectations.

It has always fascinated me, people saying they want an ms cure, but nobody seems to sure about the cause. I understand the demyelination, but why is this happening. Surely if remyelinated my body would just attack fresh nerves that have been remyelinated. Does that make sense? Surely the answer has to be find the root cause of the issue or I would just be running around in circles. Am I missing something here? I have asked this for years and never got an answer that I can be comfortable with. Perhaps "YOU" can explain to me in very simple terms what I am missing?

Thanks very much

Royce (yours ms writer and Brother)

Open to learn

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RoyceNewton profile image
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28 Replies
Sandydemop profile image

Hi Royce, I don't claim to be a medical person, just a fellow with MS. My thought is it has something to do with the immune system attacking the wrong thing (itself) so if I had a million dollars to donate to research I would address the auto-immune aspect. Did you know Covid is acting like an autoimmune disease causing inflammation like MS and so many other chronic diseases?

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to Sandydemop

No, I did not. Fits with my thought that we are being lied to about this virus and a lot of different things.

MarkUpnorth profile image
MarkUpnorth in reply to RoyceNewton

Interferons (the B type, like the old Avonex, Betaseron, and Copaxone) work on Covid they are finding. It's an inhaled dosing I forget where where it is being used.

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to MarkUpnorth

That is interesting, thanks

twooldcrows profile image

i think it is always just a circle of answers that don't make any sense to any of us and let alone the doctors so that they can't give us any true answers for they still don't know any thing to be able to tell us ....so just live your life as that it is and enjoy it ...love and happiness is the true answer for me ...just live life...be happy find all the ways you can enjoy it ...

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to twooldcrows

Oh, that is so correct. How to answer an unanswerable question. I think sometimes I fail in trying to ask the right question. One that has an answer.

Sandydemop profile image
Sandydemop in reply to twooldcrows

Thanks for the reminder. Live/love/laugh

Sandydemop profile image

Did you see 60 minutes last night? They were talking about the long term effects including numbness cog fog fatigue etc

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to Sandydemop

no, I missed it, avoiding tv lately

carolek572 profile image

I agree with you, Royce ~ how do you find a cure without the cause? :-D

Violonchelo profile image

Maybe. A nurse told me to smoke, smoking 🚬 cigarettes.The environment, pollution.

Pesticide in the food, fruit or vegetables that we eat.

So the nurse told me that is better for the illness to eat Eco or Bio food, for preventing illness.

To mix eco food and normal food, because Bio or Eco food is expensive.

If you have money, then you can buy all ECO and BIO.

Pesticides maybe are the cause.

In my country in the South the use of pesticide are more evident and spread out over the lands.

Maybe in the center or all the country in the agriculture, agriculture with Terrible and intensive pesticides.

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to Violonchelo

Possible, but I doubt it, we had ms long before intensive farming or chemical fertilization

Violonchelo profile image
Violonchelo in reply to RoyceNewton

Perfect people and imperfect people since we are inside our mother . This is a condition for living with tratament if we are imperfect people or without tratament if we are perfect people since or before borning.

Two kinds of people.

Sometimes the object can be made with imperfections inside the factory.

And this objects have to have a second view for saving it. As we with a tratament,as an object with a new piece if is a car, a new view of modist if is a clothe , a new view if the piano doesn’t sound well.

Maybe with MS we are also a second view, with the luck or hopeness of a tratament better.

A person iseminacion in vitro could have MS?

Violonchelo profile image

We are 3 brothers and 2 sisters.My old brother diabetic since adult age.

My old sister has good health .

I have MS, the third.

My brothers that 42 and 45 years old ,have good health.

But in the history , in the past, of the family ,was a woman with similar than MS , but in that years MS hadn’t name.

MS is genetic?

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to Violonchelo

ms is genetic, I hear from Doctors no, but I wonder when you look at families. Maybe a yes but n to guaranteed, for some yes and some no.

Violonchelo profile image
Violonchelo in reply to RoyceNewton

Yes, the doctors here no tell genetic, but if this woman of the past of my family had an extrem reuma in her body, maybe is reumatismo the cause?

Cutefreckles72 profile image
Cutefreckles72 in reply to Violonchelo

Hi Violonchelo, I believe MS is genetic. My grandmother had 12 children . My mother was the 5th child and MS skipped those 12 children but it came to the grandchildren. I have MS and I have 4 cousins who have MS as well.

Humbrd profile image
Humbrd in reply to Cutefreckles72

I think it is genetic also. My oldest sister had MS (since passed). I started with fibromyalgia then diagnosed with MS. My younger sister has fibromyalgia and now is showing symptoms of MS. Hope she never is dx. I have read about 20 years ago that if you have a sibling with MS that you have a 50% chance of being diagnosed. Both of my sons have extremely low vitamin D. One of them is taking vitamin D as prescribed by his doctor. The other is showing symptoms of extreme exhaustion and numbness. I pray that they never have to deal with this. And that there is a medical breakthrough before my grandchildren get older.

Violonchelo profile image
Violonchelo in reply to Humbrd

Or reumatism?

Cutefreckles72 profile image
Cutefreckles72 in reply to Humbrd

Vitamin D was the first prescription the doctor gave me. I see that it is very important. I pray that family will be well. I have PPMS and it is hard to deal with everyday 24 hours, 7 days a week. No stopping.

RoyceNewton profile image
RoyceNewton in reply to Cutefreckles72

I am very sorry, of PPms I know nothing

Cutefreckles72 profile image
Cutefreckles72 in reply to RoyceNewton

Thank you. Go to nationalmssociety.org/What-.... You will learn a lot about the different types of MS.

Humbrd profile image
Humbrd in reply to Cutefreckles72

I'm sorry to hear you have ppms. I hope there is a discovery in the treatment and they find a way to repair myelin. I have rrms and it is a struggle. I empathize with you with your ppms.

Cutefreckles72 profile image
Cutefreckles72 in reply to Humbrd

Thank you. MS is hard to deal with but we will get through it. Regardless of the everyday struggles. Hang in there. 👍🏾

Violonchelo profile image
Violonchelo in reply to Cutefreckles72

Or came from reumatism?

Humbrd profile image
Humbrd in reply to Violonchelo

Hope we all find a reason this generation.

Cutefreckles72 profile image
Cutefreckles72 in reply to Violonchelo

Are you talking about Rheumatism?

Violonchelo profile image
Violonchelo in reply to Cutefreckles72

Yes, is possible the same for MS=rheumatism

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