Has anyone had any experience using the... - My MSAA Community
Has anyone had any experience using the Taopatch??

Following this. I watched their webinar the other day. On the fence with trying it.
I had never heard of it so I googled it. It must be relatively new as no one had much to say about it, only if you have a heart condition, don’t use it.
never heard of it
I heard about it recently, but what little I read about left me feeling it was 95%hype and 5% placebo effect. I guess time will tell. I’m sorry, but I tend to be very suspicious of anything that sounds too good to be true. That said, if it truly helps someone, I’m happy for them.
Thank you for your reply. I had the feeling "snake oil too" but thought I'd rack our community brain. Stay Safe greaterexp
It uses Ultra Low Level Laser Therapy. I'm going to start with researching that and see what data is out there for that type of therapy. I have a week until next neuro appointment and will hopefully be able to ask him about it then.
Their Facebook page seems to have a lot of reviews and videos: facebook.com/taopatchUSA
Taopatch launched an indiegogo campaign today. I went ahead and bought the regular patches at a super reduced price. I'll report back once the patches actually arrive and I give them a go.
I didn't ask my neuro after all since I'd decided to give it a try regardless. He knows I'll only listen half the time anyway. 🙃
Thank you. Have you tried them yet?
Did the taopatch work? I just ran across this and sounds amazing but only amazing if it works
Well, I never made it to wearing them 24 hours a day. I think they helped a little bit at 8-12 hours. I didn't follow the protocols for placing them, as I don't want one able to be seen at the base of neck so I placed it further down.
They did seem to improve lower back pain some. I did NOT notice a huge improvement in range of motion/movement/balance. However, these are still pretty good for me anyway. Perhaps that would have been more obvious if I had worn them around the clock.
I did see a comment just the other day to put them on feet for foot pain. I'll be trying that next because my feet have been killing me.