My sister recently got the Shingles even though she had the new vaccine. Her physician told her that if she had not received it (The vaccine) the Shingles would have been quite bad. I am thinking of getting the vaccine but have MS.
Has anyone with MS had the shingles vacc... - My MSAA Community
Has anyone with MS had the shingles vaccine?

last year and i was just fine ....
I have not received the shingles shot (yet) but I seen my grandpa go through it earlier this year and he was miserable. When I have my next appt with my fam dr I'm going to ask for an rx for it as I don't want to get it, and if I do, hopefully the vaccines will help minimize it.
yes,I had the old shingles shot and my dr told me I also need to get the new one,yes you are correct ms patients are not supposed to have a live virus and it is, my insurance approved it for me and ms.i have had no problem,now when i get my meds (ocrevus) they test me once a year to see if it is still active before I have it....
I just 2 weeks ago got the first of the two shingles vaccination. Both my sister and mother had shingles. It was so painful for them. So I never want it. My doctor said make sure it's not the live vaccine. The injection site was sore, red, and a little puffy for days, but that was it. So very worth it. I go back in a couple of months for the second. My insurance paid for it.
I’ve had the shingles. Do whatever you can to avoid getting it. It was terrible!
GET the VACCINE, I saw my mother go through it with the left side of her head and left eye being consumed by it. Yes, my reason is Ocrevus!
I've had shingles and will walk on hot coals to keep from getting it again. I did get the vaccine last year and it made me SO sick the night after (but by morning was fine). So when I got the 2nd one (it's a 2 parter) I made sure to have it on a Friday and was even sicker! If there was a 3rd part, even knowing how sick it made me I would still do it again.
I have not heard about anyone else getting sick from it. I guess I was just "lucky", but that's okay. I wanted to get that one done!
I had shingles about 10 years ago.
It was memorable to put it mildly.
I never get the vaccine & thankfully have not had it since.
Unless you doctor tells you not to, I'd be sure to get it. I did get the newer vaccine last year, both parts. After being a nurse and seeing so many patients with it, I'd never want to go through that!
Definitely talk to your neurologist first. It will depend on what treatment you are taking for MS.
I got shingles in 2017 and 2020, (I hung around too many wayward chickens in my youth 😉🤣🙃)
My neuro said I would have to go off Ocrevus for a couple months and then wait several months before restarting.
Shingles are horrible! You may need to time the vaccine to correspond to your DMT. I am on Ocrevus and was told to get each part of the vaccine 4 weeks prior to my infusion.
I am going to wait until I see my neurologist & ask her. Pain & I don’t get along; pisses me off & I’m not happy person to be around!😠😠
Had 1st of the 2 shots yesterday, no problem.