Saw my new Neuro Monday. He is a nice guy and very knowledgable. He didn't like that my last neuro had me taking 10mg of Baclofen every 2 hours, he told me to try and stretch it to 3 hours, which so far I have been able to do. He took me off of Tizanidine as I take 200mg of Tegretol at night. He said he was 'not comfortable' in prescribing me that much medication. I haven't stopped the Tizanidine just yet because it's in my pillbox planner through Sunday morning. When I refill it tomorrow I will not add it in.
He ordered a lot of bloodwork that for some reason didn't get all sent at the same time and I received a call from his office telling me I needed to have one of the labs' rerun. Didn't tell me which one or why. I went to have it rerun last week and got a call that the test was not rerun but another test was run. I kind of figured it hadn't been rerun as I received the lab results online and it didn't look like it had been rerun. This is getting irritating. I'm going to call her Monday and ask her for details of the test and IF the order was sent over cause I'm getting tired of the runaround...especially since I don't drive and depend on someone to take me to get it done. I hope this is not a peek into what my future what this new neuro will be for lab work.
That's my update for now