Lately, when I go to renew an rx on MyChart, my old Neuro will renew them, then my current Neuro will cancel and reorder them. Sunday, what really got me upset/confused was that I went to renew my Oxybutynin (urine leakage) on MyChart. Yesterday, I received a message from my OLD Neuro's office that I need to contact my family dr to fill this medication for some reason that I forget now. I replied back that my Neuro prescribes this medication for urine leakage related to my MS (it was my old Neuro that had first prescribed it so I think this was someone from his office). Within a couple of hours, the medication had been approved and is being refilled.
I swear that sometimes the right hand doesn't know what the left is doing. The last time I had seen my old Neuro he said he was going to be working in the ER and that he would 'be around'.
I think that instead of renewing a prescription on MyChart, I'm going to call the rx phone number instead of chancing another misunderstanding like this. I had been on that mediation for almost a year now.
Other than this, I am doing good. I have been tired a lot lately and I don't know why. The other day I had the worst headache I have ever had. If I was laying down I was fine but if I was up walking around or even sitting, the pain on top of my head was horrible. From what I have found online this is called a positional headache, which I have never experienced before. Thankfully the headache was gone when I woke up.