Is anyone out there using CBD oil to help with their MS? I’m thinking about trying it to help with my legs and the spasticity I have. I’d love to hear from you. How you use it, what you use, and the good/bad effects I may have from it. Thanks in advance.
CBD oil: Is anyone out there using CBD oil... - My MSAA Community
CBD oil

Hi tinainsc I have not, yet. But others here have and do. I'm sure you will here from them soon! In the meantime, you can check out the search box for CBD oil and read what others say about it. 🤗💕
I searched Cbd and couldn’t find anything.
I was confused on your failed search...but found an interesting article from Yahoo finance...which explained much of the CBD out there is from crushed hemp seeds, with little to no CBD. Try your search again, all caps, CBD get to the article
On my computer I could copy & paste the link. On my phone??? I can copy, but cannot paste.
Look up the good ones to search to buy.
I tried CBD oil and worked up to 750mg and did not see any change - but I am game for anything. We are all different, and maybe it will work for you. Here is a site that grades the different CBD oil suppliers.
Thanks for the link! I have been thinking about trying it for sleep but wanted to research good product first.
Great site for this info. Better products will be lab tested.......
I'm really not a good person for advice on this as I only tried a tincture once, and was not impressed. I use CBD flower, caped, for immediate results. That's what my neuro recommended. That way you can also evaluate a strain. Two puffs, and it works, or It's not...move onto something different. But, It's duration is a few hours. You may need more for at nite, depending on how soundly you sleep. Then the same type edibles, like a gummy, would be good. But to see if it works, vaping will tell you immediately. A good source for researching CBD and canabis is Leafly, a canabis industry website with lots of info and reviews by users for various ailments.
Spasticity is luckily not one of my 1001 M.S. gifts.
I have taken it as a tincture. High CBD under 29% THC. Did nothing for me but most certainly did not hurt me. Be smart about your supplier and always say that you are not interested in getting high, just ??? relief
I use 30 mg in the form of gummy bears that I buy from . I take them 30 minutes before bed and they help with spasticity and sleep.
I've also used cdb tincture oil from . The oil is used sublingual and works quicker, but is more expensive.
Thanks SueAB for the link. I’ve thought about trying it for my anxiety spells and to help with sleeping. A local drugstore is advertising that they will be selling it. Hoping it’s good quality...