Am currently on Rebif. Has been my med since diagnosis 8 years ago. After discussion today with my new neurologist, will most likely be changing. What are your experiences with Ocrecus, Tysabri, Tecfidera, or Gilenya?? I think I am leading toward Tecfidera but still researching and contemplating
Which med???: Am currently on Rebif. Has... - My MSAA Community
Which med???

I feel kind of in the same boat, except only two of the DMT's were mentioned; Ocrevus and Gilenya. No confirmation where I must switch, but I think it may be time.
I take Tecfidera. I haven’t had any side affects. I have improved since I have been on it.
I recently had a relapse but that was due to a fall I had and once I had my steroid infusion I came out better than I was before the relapse.
I'm currently on Ocrevus It's been working good. I've been on Tecfidera and Tysabri. They both worked really well but developed issues with both. Tecfidera gave me vivid dreams. Which with them I was moving around in my sleep (fighting in my dreams) which resulted in me acting it out in my sleep and my nuero pulled me off it before I injured myself. I felt it worked very well as a DMT though. Tysabri worked very well for 2 1/2 yrs. Then for an unknown reason it seemed like I developed an immunity to it. It didn't seem to last as long. It being a monthly infusion you would start to feel like you were ready for your next infusion after 21 days. I was feeling ready for my next infusion at 10 days after my infusion. Which bummed me out because I liked how it worked for me. How I felt after my infusion was unbelievable. I hobbled into the infusion center. I walked normally out of the infusion center.
Tecfidera did not work for me, had to many side effects. Was on it three months. I was on Tysabri for seven years and did great with no side effects 👍. After cancer ♋️ my white t-cell’s changed and I had to switch. I have been on Aubagio for twenty two months and no side effects and last two MRI’s were stable and no new lesions 👍. Ken 🐾🐾
I'm taking Rituxan. I don't have any experience on any other ones. I've been on Rituxan since I first got diagnosed. ❤🌷
I have heard some great reviews on Ocrevus Disneycde .
I have only been on Gilenya out of the meds you mentioned. I have had good success with it, no side effects. With the initial dose you must be monitored for 6 hours.because it could drop ones heart rate. It didn't do that to me. Good luck with your reasearch.
I currently take nothing for my MS. The reason is, when I have I would have relapses. I used Rebif for one year and I was experiencing worse symptoms, my legs got weaker, I got weaker, and even had new symptoms. While on Rebif, I experienced the MS hug and thought I was going to die. I have been off MS therapy since December 2016 and have had no new symptoms, no exacerbations and I am stronger than I was during the time I was on Rebif. I am not saying for you to stop your MS therapy but I myself will never take anything for MS. I do take supplements, ginseng and ginkgo biloba, B Complex and vitamin D. I wish you all the best.
Can only talk about 1 of them. Tysabri failed me. I had to do HSCT. That treatment doesn’t require any MS medicine afterwards. My last Tysabri infusion was on 2/2/2016.
My first meds after my initial diagnosis was Gilenya. I was on that for 4 years before it stopped working for me. While I was on it, I had no side affects from it and it tremendously helped with my balance issues I was experiencing at the time. However, because it lowered my immune system, I ended up being diagnosed with diabetes type2 and I also had to be put on cholesterol meds as well. I am now on Ocrevus. The only side affect from that is the sinus pressure head-ache I got right after the infusion, but that only occurred during the study/ clinical I was part of. Once I went to the dosage commercially, no head-ache. The infusion specialist believes it probably has to do with the steriod that was given. In the study, a small IV bag was administered, but commercially a vaccine size shot is administered through the IV line. I like the convenience of Ocrevus much better. No remembering to take a pill daily.
I have been on Gilenya since 2011 - was very excited to be on an oral medication after all the injectables or infusions. I have not had any issues or reasons to switch medications. I have had only one exacerbation since then. No intrusive side effects noted either.
Hi Disneycde, I was on Gilenya for 1 and half years. I didn't have any side effects, altho I developed wobbles and my eyes and head had a hard time coinciding with each other. I had no new lesions which is the goal. My neuro said it was normal advancement for secondary progressive ms and that meds wouldn't help with that, physical therapy did (as long as I don't get too tired) I wish you the best in making your decision~