Has anyone taking Tecfidera saw a great increase in fatigue? Luckily I've never had this type of fatigue before- and I'm hoping it eases up!! I am a single mom, have to little ones, and am a special education teacher. The fatigue I have had since I've started Tecfidera is not what I am used to.
Fatigue and tecfidera: Has anyone taking... - My MSAA Community
Fatigue and tecfidera

I was on Tecfidera for 4 years when I first was on it it was pretty good. I have to let you know this may sound like a miner thing but was not able to snap my fingers but after I had been on Tecfidera I was able to snap my fingers. While I was on it I was a paraprofessional with kindergarteners I did start to slow down in my steps and fatigue did start to settle in. Now this past September 2017 I got off of Tecfidera so that I could take Ocrevus after I had been off of the Tecfidera I actually had a bit of a faster move to my step my husband even noticed it. I do have to say I am also taking Ampyra and last week one day I missed taking it in the a.m. and I could feel that the Ampyra must be working because I felt really bad my legs didn’t want to work. So I know that the Ampyra is doing what it’s supposed to be doing.
I would pass it by your doctor to see what if you stop the Tecfidera for a couple of days just to see if that is what is going on but I would talk it over with your doctor.
Good luck!
I tried Tecfidera and had some bad side effects right away, increased fatigue being one of them and I did not think I could possibly be more fatigued than I already am! I was on it about five months I think and stopped. I just couldn’t deal with the problems it was causing. I hope you can adjust to it. You have a lot on your plate. Love, Kelly
My neuro wants to put me on this drug...the last thing I need is MORE fatigue and am worried about death due to PML also!
These are big concerns of mine as well!! I would love to try and manage without meds.
I didn't notice an increase in fatigue when I switched from avonex to tecfidera. But I was so focused on no longer having severe flu like symptoms and no longer having to "stab" myself once a week that I may not have noticed the fatigue. I did have one round with fatigue about 2 months of having been on it. I struggled for about a week to stay awake more than about 10 minutes at a time. No amount of caffeine or sugar helped. That might have had more to do with me pushing myself beyond my limits for too long to and my body just decided to rebel against me. Just try to pace yourself on everything you're trying to juggle. I know easier said than done.
I had issues with bad insomnia when i was tecfedra. But once i stopped taking it the insomnia continued so not sure. I am currently not on a med rite now but my neuro sure is pushing me to be on one
Hi. How are you doing now with your fatigue? Are you still on Tecfidera? My MS is aggressive, so , while on it, I had a relapse. I've taken Lemtrada and so far, so good for me. I hope you are doing better.