Thoughts on tecfidera? DMT I am leaning toward but I was also considering tysabri.
Pros cons tecfidera : Thoughts on... - My MSAA Community
Pros cons tecfidera

I honestly think it boils down to how active your MS is. Tecfidera did nothing to slow down my MS. I kept relapsing and getting more lesions. Tysabri was the first med I took that slowed down my progression. If you’re not having relapses and getting new lesions, you may not need a drug as strong as tysabri. If tecfidera doesn’t do the trick of controlling your MS, tysabri is “waiting in the wings.”
I was on Tysabri for over seven years and had great results, stable mri’s and no new lesions 👍. With cancer ♋️ I had to switch DMT. I went to Tecfidera for two months with lots of side effects. Then switch to Aubiago two years ago and have done really well, last two mri’s were stable and no new lesions. But remember we are all different with different results. Best wishes 👍🙏😉 Ken 🐾🐾
I was on T from 2016 - may 2019 it worked fine til I had an exacerbation and couldn't walk for 2 weeks then I switched to O which has shown to have major improvements for me. One of my pt's told me she saw improvements in just on week after my infusion.
The dr at the er and the hospital informed my dr I should go on O and I feel it has been the best thing I could have done.
While on T I did loose some functions but it was the best drug for me because I didn't want to do needles everyday. I can do an infusion every 6 months with no issues
I've been on tecfidera for a little over 2 years now. Other than some flushing in the beginning and a massive stomach ache for not eating something before taking it, I haven't had any side effects. If you have any liver issues though stay away from tecfidera as it can cause damage to the liver. You need to get that checked every 6 months while on tecfidera.
I have been on Tecfidera for about 4 years now and am still doing very well. I had only one flare this past year, and that was early last spring. I feel very good most of the time, no issues with Tecfidera. I seem to have a "milder" form of MS, with my primary symptoms being the occasional "cog fog" and dizziness, or leg weakness. I would say go for it. My problems adjusting to it lasted only the first month and were the "flushing" feeling, sort of like a hot flash, and a little nausea, but that only lasted about a month then totally went away. I try to eat a diet aimed toward reducing inflammation in the body, but nothing extreme. My husband is a "meat and potatoes" guy, and it's difficult to avoid eating everything he eats, so I do the best I can, so far, so good.
I’ve use Tysabri for 3 year with no negative side effects. I’m JCV negative. The infusion is painless and only once ever 28 days. I’m usually done in about two hours.
Just my opinion, but if I was not JCV+ I would have gone with Tysabri. I was on Tecfidera for a while and it was ok (I didn’t suffer from many of the side effects that a lot do) but I did have some progression. I am on Ocrevus now since November.
Hasn't made any difference between any I've taken. As with others, threw me into relapse or no effect on current 1
By the way I am Antibodies +
I was on Tysabri for 3+ years. My WBC and Chronic Anemia developed after and worsened over that time period (lab work looks like I have leukemia or lymphoma) but my MRIs were stable. 1 Tysabri infusion was held to compare studies and I ended up hospitalized with 2 relapses within 3 months and a new tumor and lesion. My MS specialist was extremely cautious the progression might come back with a vengeance in light of proving Tysabri did not cause me to have cancer. I have since had the first cycle of Ocrevus infusions with next due at the 6 month interval in June. Waiting to see how that works out. Tysabri does what it’s designed to do by controlling progression. However, over time can cause/incite cancer like syndromes and in many cases is believed to actually cause it or correlated with it, though no studies exist to prove this.
Tried them both. Tecfidera was an easy pill to take. I usually flushed in the mornings. Being I didn’t wish to work while flushing I just took it an hour earlier. Flushing lasted about an hour. Tecfidera didn’t work for me. Less than a year later I was on Tysabri. Set the infusion for the 2nd half of the day so I could work the 1st. Always took the next 1st half of the day off just Incase. That didn’t work for me either. I opted to go abroad for HSCT. That worked better than I ever expected. If I ever need to do any MS medication again I will do Ocrevus.
I was on Tecifdera for 5 years and loved it! Minor side effects (I really only had flushing), and it seemed to keep my MS at bay. I had to switch to Tysabri a couple years back, as my MS became more intense. I loved Tysabri as well, but it ended up not being effective for me (I was one of three patients in my clinic to ever develop antibodies against it).
Like others have said, I would make the decision based on how severe your MS is. Tecfidera is great, but a lower level med than Tysabri. Tysabri has many health warnings, but with an overall low risk.
Good luck!
I LOVED Tecifedera!! Took it for 5 years with no side effects or relapses. Neurologist thought I needed to change DMT and now I’ve had a relapse. It’s different for all of us. One drug works wonders for one of us while the next person can’t tolerate it just like our MS symptoms are different for each of us. Good luck. 🍀
I've been on it for three and a half years when I first started I did not have a port and I've got scars all over my arms from where they put in an IV to do the infusion every month so please please get a port other than that there's no side effects I haven't received I have I do not have any side effects at all I definitely recommend it
Tysabri is what I have been on
Yes darlin zero
I'm currently on Tecfidera, have been for over 2 years now. My white cell count keeps dropping and I am now JCV+ so I may have to switch soon. I have my Neuro follow up on Thurs and if I have to switch I'm going to talk to him about O.