Has anyone experienced continuous back spasms? No meds have helped to date. The next step is to try a spinal cord stimulator. Any one used this device and their experience?
Back Spasms: Has anyone experienced... - My MSAA Community
Back Spasms

I've had my share of back spasms. Tizanidine works fairy well. My doc has given me Valium for when's it's really bad. PT and a Tens unit gives me relief also. A pain management doc has suggested a Baclofen pump but I'm shying away from that. Good luck to you Booda!

Hi and welcome our chat Booda . I can't do the stimulators. I have a tendency to break them cause l hate them (and the pt guy just left the rm) My Dr gives me tramadol which works best for me. I have a very hard time with medications and allergic reactions with them. I wish you luck in finding what works best for you
This began happening to me this year, it is the worst...it paralyzed me...had to get immediately to bed nothing helped pain I cannot tolerate muscle relaxers.
Yes, I suffer from continuous back spasms that cause terrible pain. I have not found anything that helps. I am extremely sensitive to medications. I hope you find relief....please let us know.
Booda Tens unit really helps me. Sometimes I have to use all 4 pads at same time. Also, a few weeks ago, I bought online a Bruntmor kneading massager with heat that seems to be helping. Anything for relief. Also, the torso cooling wrap I received from MSAA also helps.