Very infrequently I can develop obsessional thinking about someone about a deep connection that I perceive is there. Not stalking territory but just firm belief in a connection with someone. Anyone know how to manage this? I can be quite impulsive and overextend myself... and then the feeling usually fizzles away, but not before I've done /said something I prob would later regret..
Any advice on dealing with obsessive beha... - My OCD Community
Any advice on dealing with obsessive behaviours?

Some people say that falling in love is a temporary loss of sanity. It feels that way sometimes because thoughts about another person can take over your mind, and it seems that you cannot think of nothing else for a certain period of time how much you may try. Your subconscious is sending you the message “you can’t live without the other person” and that makes you desperate to seek his or her company. When you become desperate it’s difficult to think straight, and you’re ready to do anything to be with the other person in spite of all common sense. The character Pip expresses well that mental condition in Great Expectations (Charles Dickens): “I knew to my sorrow, often and often, if not always, that I loved her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be.”
How to regain some self-control? You can’t directly change your subconscious through reasoning and willpower, but you can send messages to your subconscious. For example, you can send it the message that you’re the one in charge and you won’t let it run your life. You can send that message by not rushing into anything and not letting the current impulses of your subconscious prevent you from living a life in line with your deep-seated beliefs. It won’t be always easy, but it will sooner or later respond to that message. According to many psychologists, the mind does self-regulate if you give it the proper conditions.