There's a woman on my street who I've only spoken with once, about a two years ago; it was very brief and cordial. Recently this Spring I passed her on the street while she was getting in her car. I made brief eye contact with her and slowed down for safety as she was entering the street (very narrow street). I threw her a quick wave that I don't think she saw because it was getting dark.
Edited: Actually We made eye contact about the same time. When I looked over she was actually looking at me already, I looked away after she glared at me like I had some horrible disease.
When I looked in the rearview she continued to glare at me as I drove away. Several days later she walked by our house with her husband or partner and they both looked in our front window, almost felt like they were snooping a little bit. Many people look in our large front window (no curtains) so normally I don't think twice about it. Their glance in our living room prob had no meaning, I thought. I mentioned it to my wife and she was irritated with me for obsessing about it. But the OCD/ANXIETY/Paranoia had already kicked in.
A few days later the gentleman was going to his car as I was working in my driveway and he took time to give me a long look. I looked away as not to spark anything, I'm a total conflict avoider, according to my wife.
The woman and her partner have been away all summer and I enjoyed being free of the stress of bumping into them. I saw her for the first time again while driving up the street, she had returned for another school year. She's a teacher. She was walking her dog with her partner. At first I did not know it was them.
My dog, Charlie, was with me and I was trying to get him to focus on the dog. He gets excited when I do that. It's a game we play. I glanced at the couple briefly, realized it was them, and continued on my way. Looking in the rear view mirror I saw that she turned to look at me and pointed my car out to her partner. It was kind of a "that's the guy" thing. I was mortified, and the OCD went full blown. I went over it with my wife 1000 times and my wife kept telling me I didn't do anything wrong. I don't understand this person's demeanor towards me or what on earth she could have against me. I've been ruminating nonstop.
These incidents are real, they are not imagined or exaggerated. My inclination, as always with my OCD, was to go knock on her door with my wife in tow ( a witness) to ask if something was wrong, to get reassurance. Bad idea, my wife said, because I've only ever spoken once with the woman. This is the kind of reassurance seeking that I do with my wife that I've been told to resist, she gets annoyed sometimes when I repeat the same anxieties and concerns over the same incident.
One of my biggest OCD fears is being wrongfully accused of something. I've spent my life always thinking I'm doing something wrong, always apologizing to people for nothing.
What's this woman's problem with me, should I try to find out or should I let it go?