hello. I am brand new here but not new to OCD. Looking back, it’s something I’ve had since early childhood. My focus is on health and medical fears. I am non stop worrying about X disease . Anyone else suffer from this subset of OCD. Would love to connect.
medical ocd: hello. I am brand new here but... - My OCD Community
medical ocd

I don’t have the same OCD themes, but I will say it doesn’t matter what the theme is, it’s all OCD. Welcome! I hope you will find this board as helpful as I have,
I've had this since I was a kid, though my other OCD symptoms didn't start until I was about 10. And I didn't know it was OCD until my 20s.
At about the age of 7 I was convinced I was getting tetanus - lockjaw, as it was often then known. I kept checking my lower jaw, convinced it was getting stiff and that I'd got tetanus. Other parts of my body received attention over the years following.
In my teens I was also checking for lumps and bumps - constantly afraid that something might be something sinister when in fact it was just normal.
I've had these sorts of obsessions on and off for years. They generally come and go - but recently I started getting a painful elbow which had my mind racing. (I'm pretty sure that it's psoriatic arthritis connected to my skin psoriasis - it's manageable but it's had me worried - I've got an appointment next week at the doctor's).
I don't know if you've read Jerome K Jerome's marvellous funny book Three Men in a Boat, but it starts with the author reading a medical encyclopaedia and realizing that he had all the diseases listed apart from housemaid's knee. He goes to the doctor, who tells him it's all in his imagination. He decides he needs a holiday - hence the boat trip with his mates.
I'm not sure what the remedy is - CBT can help, and learning not to be hyper-aware of your body and the various niggles that we all get. Remember the worries about your health that you've had in the past, and how they turned out to be nothing.
Thanks so much for your reply. That’s me, also!! Always checking . I’ve palpated my neck to the point of almost passing out because though I felt a lymph node. I’ve had every disease under the sun but I tend to focus in on diabetes, heart disease, etc. lately, I am focusing on BP and i can’t stop checking it and it does go up when you focus attention on it. Can’t break the awful cycle.
What do you do to help yourself in the moment ? any strategies for calming the thoughts ? What gives you peace of mind? Any activities that you like to do to take your mind off things? Thanks again
I’ve had OCD since I was 15, but that was 1970 and no one knew what was wrong with me. My OCD waxed and wained off and on for years. Life events made it come on. I basically figured out what I had in my 30’s but didn’t truly get help until 2006 when I had a terrible relapse. I finally got the help I needed with a psychiatrist and an OCD therapist. I have had years being relatively symptom free, with two relapses since 2006, one in 2015 and one this past March. When I relapse my brain reverts back to my intrusive thoughts and my anxiety is very high especially the first three months of a relapse. I’m doing much better now, I’m back on 150 mg of setraline, I had been down to 50. I reconnected with my therapist for awhile, but I’ve been doing better so I have stopped for now. I also follow Shannon Shy on Facebook. He had OCD very bad and shares his strategies for how he dealt with it. He has some good books as well. Good luck to you on your journey!
If I have my blood pressure taken I usually ask them to do it again so I can concentrate on relaxing to bring it down. High blood pressure from the stress of the process is often known as 'white coat syndrome' - just being in the presence of a doctor or nurse makes it higher!
It's rotten - it often lurks at the back of your mind no matter what you're doing. But I've found that keeping busy helps. Reading, sewing, knitting, writing - these are my therapeutic activities. I should like to take more exercise but it's difficult going out for a walk on your own - it's better to have a friend or a dog with you!
Exercise generally has a calming effect and induces the feel-good chemicals in your body. It doesn't have to be an intense workout at the gym - just movement and fresh air.
A healthy lifestyle is good anyway, but it doesn't always make the health anxiety go away. It does reduce the likelihood of health problems, though.
I know how checking just fuels it - the more you check the more you're convinced you can feel something abnormal. I had a miserable time when I was nineteen - I chose a course at university that was totally wrong for me, and was having to sit exam retakes. I felt convinced that there was a lump in my throat - couldn't stop swallowing to check if there was one.
Having OCD is so much about doubt and checking. It helps to check once and then leave it. ERP therapy helps with this, so you're doing the right thing,
yes Sue I have the same OCD. I worry constantly that my kids or grandkids will die before me.
I have pure OCD around illness & dying but will do compulsions which makes worse. Doing compulsions & changing plans DT pure OCD sends me down a rabbit hole.
What helps me is:
Mindfulness & meditation
Observing the thoughts & not engaging by moving on
Connecting with others that have similar OCD symptoms
Listening to U Tube on the best techniques to avoid the obsessions and compulsions
I repeat myself that’s Ocd, That’s not me and this helps me move on.
Exercise and eating healthy are huge for me if I don’t eat sugar and I exercise a lot my symptoms are less.
Feel free to contact me